Micra Wave for sale



You folks probably won't remember me, but my daughter has a Micra which experienced problems a few months ago. You were all very sympathetic. These appear to have been sorted out, but she has decided she wants to sell the poor little car - this is against mother's advice, but what can I say. Is there anybody out there who might be interested in buying her - the car not my daughter. She wants it to go to a good home and will not part exchange it, as she thinks the dealer will probably send it to scrap.
Details - 1994 Micra Wave, blue, just done 100,00 miles, but not bad for a 12 year old car. One owner from new or two owners if you count me, but the car was bought for my daughter. Good condition. Tax and MOT until Feb 2007. Don't know how to put on pictures. If some one can tell me, we'll take some. We're in Surrey, near Camberley. Price? £600, I don't know. You tell me!!

Forgot, ideal first car, as below 1000, so tax and insurance are lower.
As I said, I don't know. I'll take some pics and post them. Still not sure how though

Don't think I'm allowed to post images.
Take some pics
Upload them here
use the link it makes and post on here

£600 may be worth it depending on state of things like sills and crossmember as these tend to give up on micras these days.
Thanks for the information. Will get some photos taken. Do they have to be a certain size? Cross member was checked by garage recently and told all okay. Sills have been repaired.

It is an M reg, not L, registered in Aug 1994
I'm pretty sure the uploader will make them the correct size for u. Good luck with the sale, let's hope your daughter stay's Jap!!! ;)
it really depends on the body work as well - if the car has no rust then 600 for this isn't a bad price. Also if it's been looked after and serviced regular then the engine should be fine.
wilsonian said:
it really depends on the body work as well - if the car has no rust then 600 for this isn't a bad price. Also if it's been looked after and serviced regular then the engine should be fine.
Body work is in good condition. There were minor dents on the doors from other people carelessly opening their car doors, but that was sorted out a couple of years ago. There is a full service record. Every bill and document from 1994!!
Alienfish360 said:
I can get a microwave for about £40 from tesco!!!

oh............ I think I mis-read =/

Ha, ha, ho, ho, he, he, he!!!! Yawn, yawn, yawn. Never heard that one before.

I will get some pics asap. Have got to pin daughter down to take them. She's out this afternoon, looking at a possible replacement - a Mini Cooper! Sorry folks.

She's done it! She's committed the cardinal sin and bought a Mini Cooper, black with white roof!!! I have no control over her anymore! Photos will follow soon, I hope - of the Micra not the Mini.
Why are nearly all the replies on this site from folks north of Watford? I know the Micra was built in Sunderland, but .........? Still waiting for photos from daughter.
T C said:
Why are nearly all the replies on this site from folks north of Watford? I know the Micra was built in Sunderland, but .........?
Haha, well to be honest a VERY large majority of the members of this site come from the North East, we had an official member map at one point and it was quite amazing!

Good luck selling the car :)
James said:
Haha, well to be honest a VERY large majority of the members of this site come from the North East, we had an official member map at one point and it was quite amazing!

Good luck selling the car :)

Thanks for the good wishes. Wouldn't you like a nice blue micra to go with your superb black one? They'd look so good together! Hard sell here. You live in Surrey - not far to collect a superb example of a Micra Wave!
Daughter has sold her beautiful Micra Wave this afternoon. She is heartbroken, but partner thought she ought to updgrade to the Mini. Here is a picture of the Car of the Week, that you've all missed out on!
goldstar0011 said:
Take some pics
Upload them here
use the link it makes and post on here

£600 may be worth it depending on state of things like sills and crossmember as these tend to give up on micras these days.

I've followed your instructions, but don't know whether it's worked or not. It didn't come up with a picture on this site. Can somebody let me know, if it did work, please?

This is the link to follow to see the car. Hope it shows the link this time.
T C said:
She is heartbroken, but partner thought she ought to updgrade to the Mini.

Upgrade - dont you mean Downgrade to a mini lol the power steering pump squeels more than a pig thats ran into an electric fence! Big mistake if you ask me! lol
K10Daz said:
Upgrade - dont you mean Downgrade to a mini lol the power steering pump squeels more than a pig thats ran into an electric fence! Big mistake if you ask me! lol

I shan't tell her that - she's upset enough as it is! I shall give the young lad, who's having the Micra bought for him, this wonderful website and hopefully he'll look at it and realise what a special car he's been given. I must admit, before seeing this site, I would never have thought there would have been so many owners, who are young men. I wouldn't have thought it was cool enough!
T C said:
Why are nearly all the replies on this site from folks north of Watford? I know the Micra was built in Sunderland, but .........? Still waiting for photos from daughter.

well believe it or not....70% of the countries population are north of watford...
whats up are you northist or something?...lol

listen i drive a wave, brilliant car, im pretty damn cool ( even if i do say so myself), only since ive been driving my micra round for the past year, have i seen a vast increase in the little beauties. People must be latching onto the fact that corsas and saxos just arent cool..............
I think you're all pretty cool. I love the little Micra and if I had the room to store it, I would (husband not too keen though). There is something special about your first car, as no doubt you guys realise (and gals). I've enjoyed all your comments and had a little chuckle, so hope you don't mind me popping in from time to time to see how you're all doing. Thanks for all your help in the past. Regarding the Saxos and Corsa, did anybody ever think they were cool?!! PS I love the chrome microwave - have never seen one like that before.