Made a mistake - detailing

well as some of you know i won the show and shine at JAE in 2011


but now the corolla has come along and its a state and i want to make it into my proper showey/track car eventually so ive gone mad buying the following

auto glym - fast glass
auto glym - interior shampoo
auto glym - super resin polish
auto glym - glass polish
meguires - tech wax 2.0
meguires - vinyl restorer/polish

and a few polishing pads and a few microfibre cloths

so i may be going mad but i will make this car shine and will be testing it all out on the micra next time its washed at which stage i may adopt the two bucket method

and to top off my madness ive gone and joined the detailing world forum....

i may have gone a little mad!
Your car looks amazingly clean, very nice! :D
I've been doing mine similar, i'm a big Meguiars fan but after I used RimWax on my wheels the brake dust seemed even more noticable, is there any kind of wheel detailer you can buy, to clean/shine the wheels quickly, like at shows etc?
i dont know im pretty new at it... i berlieve that pic was after a full polish and wiped the wheels with a microfibre cloth and metal polish on the rim...

i plan on spending a few days on the corolla when i can and then i want to look at some sort of instant wax for when its at shows etc so im not messing about for too long
Ive been on detailing world for years, got banned on one account, there really are some strange ones over there with very bad OCD and break into a panick over things like removing snow from their car, too much pollen landing on it and fallout from volcanoes:rolleyes: Nice shine you got there, gave my micra a full correction a few weeks back, got the navara to give a quick glaze to as with proper wash techniques it doesnt get swirls. I have gone from menzerna polishes to the 3M range, including 3M pads, very good product and easy to use as pads are colour coded to the polish lids:D Recently went from using a DA to a Flex rotary, top of the range and well worth the money.
Your car looks amazingly clean, very nice! :D
I've been doing mine similar, i'm a big Meguiars fan but after I used RimWax on my wheels the brake dust seemed even more noticable, is there any kind of wheel detailer you can buy, to clean/shine the wheels quickly, like at shows etc?

Bilbery wheel cleaner is the best on the market, but you should never need a wheel cleaner. My alloys get sealed using jetseal 109 then 2 coats of wax, break dust washes straight off. Not changed the micra pads yet, but use EBC green stuff pads on the navara and get no break dust at all. meguiars last touch detailing spray i think is the best out there, dilutes with water so a gallon lasts years, can be used as a wax topup but i use it when drying the car, spray it on when the car is still wet and wipe off for a showroom shine using drying towels:D
i use poorboys world products and have about £300 worth of meguiars too...

but my car still looks like crap..

the wheels are worst, spent £500 at xmas getting them refurbed to a mirror polish, and even though i wash them every week, they still started to pit. i should have had them laquered... GRR

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