Losing power on airfield this morning


Young K11-er!
Have never noticed this before when on the motorway, but was on an airfield this morning with my uncle and some of his friends, took the micra on and tried to get a top speed out of it.

Now, I have managed 100 out of it before :blush: and I got to about 97 and then started losing power. Engine started to crawl down to 90 and wouldn't budge from it despite me flooring it.

Any idea on the causes? I wondered possibly tyres....
I presume you were in the lowest gear possible at the time? Anyway I bet it could be down to wind or similar and not necessarily something to worry about, airfields can be a lot windier than a motorway!
i have probs aswell i get up to 7k in 2nd well thats 60 the other day in 3rd i could get to 90 at 7k but now only stops at 6k but only in that gear is it a related prob or did i just destroy 3rd gear
when i took my old Green K11 onto a private air strip it had a flat spot of about 85-90 and started to loose power.I just put it down to a flat spot but i guess Olly is right and that 5th is for cruising
I Found i got best performance changing before 5k in a coil pack cg10 and carbed 1.2 k10! Quite sure nissan design the engines for low end torque.
I get a higher speed quicker if I shift at a lower RPM than if I redline on the changes.

It would be nice to know the ideal shifting point though so I could set up my shift light.

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