Limiting Revs / Engine Management


Ex. Club Member
I want to set the the revs at a certain point so that the car cannot be over-revved... its an automatic se+ so I have a rev counter...

What would I need?
What kind of cost?

I dunno... I was driving a golf auto the other day... and I tried to push it but it wouldnt let me over-rev... the dsg just went into sports mode instead..

but with the k11 auto... you can over rev it... I think anyway...
how much does it rev up to? i had two k11s and both of them seen near 7,000 quite alot and were fine... well, touch wood ;)
mines goes to 6000 normally but if you floor it... and i mean not kick down but full throttle... it goes over 6-7... thats what i want to limit... like a safety mechanism which doesnt allow it to over rev and red line...
The engine will quite happily rev to 8k+ no problems, then all you get is valve bounce which with standard pistons and con rods you shouldnt get any piston to valve contact.
Its a K11 with ECU and factroy rev limits. You dont need to do anything to it.
