led valve caps on/off switch impossible???



have u all seen these led valve caps (if not type "led valve caps" into ebay and you'll know what i mean)
well basically i want these with one slight difference
i want to rig them up so i can have an on/off switch on my dash

i think they look great but i only want to use them now and again because i dont want to be caught by police by having them on constantly

now the bit that i cant figure out is how can i send two wires from my dash to the caps?
keeping in mind when my wheels turn the wire will get very twisted very quickly (especially when wheelspining on privately owned land)

is there a way or is it just simply impossible

all input will be greatly appreciated
ummm. There is no way you can put wires to the wheels. the only way anything like this would be possible would be to make a motor style brush affair... Not simple at all..
Personally LED caps say you're asking for them to be stole and maybe the wheels!

To do it from what I know would require something similar to how the steering wheel horn works, a metal disc to allow contact at all times but the effort involved is not worth it.
For sure, wheelspinning on private land - ive not had so much fun since i had a paper boat race in my own mouth - and lost.
you could put a 12v battery at the back of your wheel n a swich or connect/disconnect the battery when you want em on or off but wire is a no go apart from brushes!
R05_Micra said:
you could put a 12v battery at the back of your wheel n a swich or connect/disconnect the battery when you want em on or off but wire is a no go apart from brushes!

That doesnt help, because how would he switch them on and off - the switch would have to be part of the circuit itself..?!!?!!!!1
it won't be possible I'm assuming the wheel will also act as the negative as it's already earthed from the battery. So you need someway of splitting it from the rest. It's really not worth doing
What you need to do is build a very small radio receiver that will fit in each valve cap. This will control the LED in the valve cap. A transmitter in the car will then be able to turn them on and off. Just go and get a degree in electronics to learn how to do this, or find something better to do with your time.
What you COULD do is hire specialist team.
To Train up a Crack squad of ANTS to operate the on/off switch..

Communication could be done by word of mouth.. You could operate the on/off switch at any time u want, and besides a Slght delay in communication time... the system could work very well.

But then youve got a take into account Dialect issues, and maternity leave for the Ants..

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