Hi everybody!
(Insert Dr Nick wave)
Thought it was about time I started documenting my ownership and ongoing upkeep on my recently purchased K11, otherwise known as Lannette (play on using the letters in the licence plate).
Get comfy, grab a cuppa and a snack and hopefully you enjoy the journey.
[Taken when I got it home]
Randomly scrolling through the online equivalent of the 'middle of lidl' otherwise known as Facebook marketplace, on a lazy Saturday afternoon and stumbled across an advert in my local area with the price attached to it of £350.
After a quick discussion with my partner about driveway space and the logistics of potentially having x3 cars and a motorcycle for one household if purchased, I was quickly advised that I would need to get rid of the currently owned ford fiesta, in order to take on a new car / ongoing project.
With the notes app swiftly opened on my phone and me beginning to write an advert for the ford fiesta to be sold and on it's merry way, a message was sent to the owner of the little red micra, advising I would be very interested in coming to view and test drive.
[Taken when I got it home]
Now, the ad was as basic as you can get and stated:
> 1999 Equation
> Red
> 1.0L
> 150K Miles
> Runs and drives
If i'm honest, that was enough for me. I have wanted one of these cars for quite some time now ever since I stumbled across the forced induction side of the forums back in 2017 while on a student night out in Plymouth. This is also of course before the model became a little more popular due to certain youtube / tiktok videos making the price for them slowly increase! Quick GOV MOT history check looked good and for the past few years had only shown all cosmetic stuff (happy days).
Sunday 10/10/2021
Went to view and test drive the car. Upon arrival the car needed to be moved out of a garage and the owner advised a check engine light had "appeared while moving the car the day before" and that a mate was on his way with a code reader to see if the fault could be traced. Hmmm, clearly the lack of info and price on the advert was now starting to make sense.
Paintwork is rough in places. I cannot stand the door trims not running in line with each other, but that can be fixed at a later date.
[Taken when I got it home]
The sellers mate showed up and was unable to plug his code reader into the ODB port as apparently the car needs one with a special adapter. Was advised by the kiddy, the reason for sale was due to him buying it for his younger brother off of the local council. The brother took one look at the car and said "not a chance i'm driving that" and thus after having it sitting in the garage, (a while by the sounds of it!) it was listed for sale. Undeterred by a check engine light and a clear fault I would need to trace and fix with little description of what it could be, I test drove the car and after seeing it in person really didn't want to walk away due to the price it had been advertised.
Personally I didn't notice anything wrong with the car on the test drive, so parked up and was ready to swap some cash for the V5. Seller then advised he had left the V5 at another address! So had to awkwardly leave me with his mate with the code reader, fetch it and come back...(Lovely kid, but either first time selling or spends a lot of time in the prone position - Bless him!)
Finally upon his return, cash, details and keys swapped, quick MTA on my insurance from the fiesta to the micra and I drove off +1 car up and with a slightly annoyed partner as the fiesta was still in my ownership.
[Taken when I got it home]
This is where the fun begins!
While driving back, I noticed the temp gauge was a little above the normal 90 degrees / mid way point...and climbing.
Clearly I was not paying attention to this on the test drive! Also, not a good position to be in as I have a fair way to get this car back home. Just over 5 miles from where I purchased the car with the needle very close to tipping into the red section of the temp gauge, managed to pull into a local Esso to check the coolant and pick up some if required.
Checked the expansion tank, as expected - empty.
Picked up a bottle of 'Prestone' all make and model coolant (the only one they had) [£6.30/£356.30] and a drink for myself and brimmed the expansion tank after letting her and myself cool down. Set off once again, this time watching the temp gauge like a hawk. Same thing happened again, got to temp and started creeping past. Once again, pulled over to let car cool down, this time within reach of my parents house on the inevitable 3rd run. Managed to get it back without having to stop for a 4th time and decided it might be a good idea to chuck the rest of the coolant in the radiator instead.
Let the car cool down, opened the rad top (no mayo) and filled it with the remainder of the coolant. Looked under the car, no leaks. Odd, where is it going then if expansion is now full? Started the car up, coolant then decided to p### all over the floor from a leak that looks like it is coming from the bottom of the sump!?
Well, that's where its going then. Anyway, I had things to do, people to see, so I left the keys at the rents house and planned to pick it up another day to assess properly.
[Taken when I got it home]
Sunday 17/10/2021
Picked up a tow pole from euros [£19.49/£375.79] in anticipation this would be the easiest and best way to get the car back to its permanent location. Roped in a mate to help me flat tow the car from my rents house to mine, just over 15 miles away!
07:00 on a Sunday morning, with not much traffic about to cause a major disturbance on the road, managed to get it back. 5-0 even drove past on the other side without a care in the world (Win!)
Right. Now to collect thoughts, do some research and find the best way of tackling the leak moving forward.
Saturday 30/10/2021
Jacked the car up to get a better look. Front wheels off and driver side arch plastics off, decided to pour about 1 litre of water into the rad this time (rather than to purchase and waste even more coolant) and start the car to see where the leak was actually coming from. Got underneath and looks like it's coming from the water pump area as it's dripping down and coming from the corner of the sump directly underneath.
Okay, we have a starting point! Picked up a used Haynes manual online [£9.49/£385.28] put in a order to euros for belts and water pump [£40.28/£425.56] now
I just need to find some time to work on the damn thing.
Thursday 04/11/2021
The boss has decided there is not enough work to go around and that I have too much holiday to take before the end of the year. Due to that I have been
'advised' to take some time off, so booked the next 10 working days off. Not back until 18/11/2021 (Result!)
Haynes manual and euros delivery in hand, got out on the driveway to work on removing the belts and access the water pump. Not gonna lie, this took much longer than I ever thought it would and became a right PITA, due to the fact that no matter what bolt I decided to touch on the car, it would give me issues. I spent more time trying to strip the front end, removing one bolt successfully for another to snap due to being rusty and past its prime, mainly just trying to gain more access to the engine bay, than actually doing anything productive from the cooling side of things!
Then, of all the things that could happen - this did:
Yes, that is the tension bolt for the alternator you can see bent upwards (taken after removal - have misplaced bolt head to take photo).
Removed the bottom bolts holding the alternator in place fine but unable to remove the top bolt as unable to get the right amount of tension on it to loosen it. Wasted too much time not really achieving anything other than a headache, so decided to call it a day with a semi/half stripped front end.
(Insert Dr Nick wave)
Thought it was about time I started documenting my ownership and ongoing upkeep on my recently purchased K11, otherwise known as Lannette (play on using the letters in the licence plate).
Get comfy, grab a cuppa and a snack and hopefully you enjoy the journey.

[Taken when I got it home]
Randomly scrolling through the online equivalent of the 'middle of lidl' otherwise known as Facebook marketplace, on a lazy Saturday afternoon and stumbled across an advert in my local area with the price attached to it of £350.
After a quick discussion with my partner about driveway space and the logistics of potentially having x3 cars and a motorcycle for one household if purchased, I was quickly advised that I would need to get rid of the currently owned ford fiesta, in order to take on a new car / ongoing project.
With the notes app swiftly opened on my phone and me beginning to write an advert for the ford fiesta to be sold and on it's merry way, a message was sent to the owner of the little red micra, advising I would be very interested in coming to view and test drive.
[Taken when I got it home]
Now, the ad was as basic as you can get and stated:
> 1999 Equation
> Red
> 1.0L
> 150K Miles
> Runs and drives
If i'm honest, that was enough for me. I have wanted one of these cars for quite some time now ever since I stumbled across the forced induction side of the forums back in 2017 while on a student night out in Plymouth. This is also of course before the model became a little more popular due to certain youtube / tiktok videos making the price for them slowly increase! Quick GOV MOT history check looked good and for the past few years had only shown all cosmetic stuff (happy days).
Sunday 10/10/2021
Went to view and test drive the car. Upon arrival the car needed to be moved out of a garage and the owner advised a check engine light had "appeared while moving the car the day before" and that a mate was on his way with a code reader to see if the fault could be traced. Hmmm, clearly the lack of info and price on the advert was now starting to make sense.
Paintwork is rough in places. I cannot stand the door trims not running in line with each other, but that can be fixed at a later date.

[Taken when I got it home]
The sellers mate showed up and was unable to plug his code reader into the ODB port as apparently the car needs one with a special adapter. Was advised by the kiddy, the reason for sale was due to him buying it for his younger brother off of the local council. The brother took one look at the car and said "not a chance i'm driving that" and thus after having it sitting in the garage, (a while by the sounds of it!) it was listed for sale. Undeterred by a check engine light and a clear fault I would need to trace and fix with little description of what it could be, I test drove the car and after seeing it in person really didn't want to walk away due to the price it had been advertised.
Personally I didn't notice anything wrong with the car on the test drive, so parked up and was ready to swap some cash for the V5. Seller then advised he had left the V5 at another address! So had to awkwardly leave me with his mate with the code reader, fetch it and come back...(Lovely kid, but either first time selling or spends a lot of time in the prone position - Bless him!)
Finally upon his return, cash, details and keys swapped, quick MTA on my insurance from the fiesta to the micra and I drove off +1 car up and with a slightly annoyed partner as the fiesta was still in my ownership.

[Taken when I got it home]
This is where the fun begins!
While driving back, I noticed the temp gauge was a little above the normal 90 degrees / mid way point...and climbing.
Clearly I was not paying attention to this on the test drive! Also, not a good position to be in as I have a fair way to get this car back home. Just over 5 miles from where I purchased the car with the needle very close to tipping into the red section of the temp gauge, managed to pull into a local Esso to check the coolant and pick up some if required.
Checked the expansion tank, as expected - empty.
Picked up a bottle of 'Prestone' all make and model coolant (the only one they had) [£6.30/£356.30] and a drink for myself and brimmed the expansion tank after letting her and myself cool down. Set off once again, this time watching the temp gauge like a hawk. Same thing happened again, got to temp and started creeping past. Once again, pulled over to let car cool down, this time within reach of my parents house on the inevitable 3rd run. Managed to get it back without having to stop for a 4th time and decided it might be a good idea to chuck the rest of the coolant in the radiator instead.
Let the car cool down, opened the rad top (no mayo) and filled it with the remainder of the coolant. Looked under the car, no leaks. Odd, where is it going then if expansion is now full? Started the car up, coolant then decided to p### all over the floor from a leak that looks like it is coming from the bottom of the sump!?
Well, that's where its going then. Anyway, I had things to do, people to see, so I left the keys at the rents house and planned to pick it up another day to assess properly.
[Taken when I got it home]
Sunday 17/10/2021
Picked up a tow pole from euros [£19.49/£375.79] in anticipation this would be the easiest and best way to get the car back to its permanent location. Roped in a mate to help me flat tow the car from my rents house to mine, just over 15 miles away!
07:00 on a Sunday morning, with not much traffic about to cause a major disturbance on the road, managed to get it back. 5-0 even drove past on the other side without a care in the world (Win!)
Right. Now to collect thoughts, do some research and find the best way of tackling the leak moving forward.
Saturday 30/10/2021
Jacked the car up to get a better look. Front wheels off and driver side arch plastics off, decided to pour about 1 litre of water into the rad this time (rather than to purchase and waste even more coolant) and start the car to see where the leak was actually coming from. Got underneath and looks like it's coming from the water pump area as it's dripping down and coming from the corner of the sump directly underneath.
Okay, we have a starting point! Picked up a used Haynes manual online [£9.49/£385.28] put in a order to euros for belts and water pump [£40.28/£425.56] now
I just need to find some time to work on the damn thing.
Thursday 04/11/2021
The boss has decided there is not enough work to go around and that I have too much holiday to take before the end of the year. Due to that I have been
'advised' to take some time off, so booked the next 10 working days off. Not back until 18/11/2021 (Result!)
Haynes manual and euros delivery in hand, got out on the driveway to work on removing the belts and access the water pump. Not gonna lie, this took much longer than I ever thought it would and became a right PITA, due to the fact that no matter what bolt I decided to touch on the car, it would give me issues. I spent more time trying to strip the front end, removing one bolt successfully for another to snap due to being rusty and past its prime, mainly just trying to gain more access to the engine bay, than actually doing anything productive from the cooling side of things!
Then, of all the things that could happen - this did:
Yes, that is the tension bolt for the alternator you can see bent upwards (taken after removal - have misplaced bolt head to take photo).
Removed the bottom bolts holding the alternator in place fine but unable to remove the top bolt as unable to get the right amount of tension on it to loosen it. Wasted too much time not really achieving anything other than a headache, so decided to call it a day with a semi/half stripped front end.