So, im just starting my Vibe's revamp. I've had it for over a year now, I got it just as I left uni with the idea of.."I'll use it as a temporary car until I get a job and get something more powerful" Well, it took me a year to find a job, and well dreams change and reality sets in. I've figured out that Im definatly not going to be able to afford another car + the insurance that goes with it. So last week I decided, its time to get my granny carrier (old lady owner previous to me) looking sharp and driving proper!
I thought i'd make a harmless blog about my slow but inevitable progress on the car. Dont expect huge updates.. So here is what we have now.
I know some people dont like the colour, but i actually love it. Its one of the reasons that made me buy it over any other micra. Although in hindsight i probably should have shopped around more for something in better condition, at the time I thought it was good the time..
The first thing I got done pretty much straight away was fix the rust that had corroded where the seat belt ankers were. After that I had sealed the welding I had done on both sides. So now I have rather cool mat black base lines.
car was wet when taking the photo
First Body Issue:
The boot handle. Currently held together with glue
I am aware this is a common problem with Micra's but the boot handle has been bust since I bought the car, and today! I called up my nearest scrap yard and spent £10 and got a new boot handle...yay! I'll be fitting this later.
Having some issues removing the inside panel of the boot to uncover the fixings, the screws turn fine but it doesnt seem to be freeing the panel. Any ideas?
Anyway, i'll be making posts as and when I make changes, I'll be tackling things one at a time.
On Saturday i'm having a new tire fitted and my spare put on the car as they were warned on my MOT, as well as new CV gators. Nothing fancy about that.
I thought i'd make a harmless blog about my slow but inevitable progress on the car. Dont expect huge updates.. So here is what we have now.

I know some people dont like the colour, but i actually love it. Its one of the reasons that made me buy it over any other micra. Although in hindsight i probably should have shopped around more for something in better condition, at the time I thought it was good the time..
The first thing I got done pretty much straight away was fix the rust that had corroded where the seat belt ankers were. After that I had sealed the welding I had done on both sides. So now I have rather cool mat black base lines.

car was wet when taking the photo
First Body Issue:
The boot handle. Currently held together with glue

I am aware this is a common problem with Micra's but the boot handle has been bust since I bought the car, and today! I called up my nearest scrap yard and spent £10 and got a new boot handle...yay! I'll be fitting this later.
Having some issues removing the inside panel of the boot to uncover the fixings, the screws turn fine but it doesnt seem to be freeing the panel. Any ideas?
Anyway, i'll be making posts as and when I make changes, I'll be tackling things one at a time.
On Saturday i'm having a new tire fitted and my spare put on the car as they were warned on my MOT, as well as new CV gators. Nothing fancy about that.