Key code for radio/cd player

It's just possible that a new code has been programmed into the radio because the original was lost. I had that done a few years ago on a Citroen that my wife owned, a specialist car audio company reprogrammed the radio for me. Just double checked in case I had imputed the serial number incorrectly and the codes I gave you before came up the same, so would appear that the factory programmed codes have been changed.....
Hi, i have a 2002 nissan micra and have tried everything to get a code. The only number i have is Bp27210600.
Is there any code you can recommend? Thanks
Not enough numbers :0( The BP serial number should be 'BP' followed by twelve numbers, you are four short.............
Hi I have a Nissan micra 2006 and had to get a new battery, does anyone have a code for
Serial no bp 538469512132
P no 7645384318?

Hi I have a Nissan micra 2006 and had to get a new battery, does anyone have a code for
Serial no bp 538469512132
P no 7645384318?


Try 0349
As an aside, as long as the radio is TURNED OFF before the battery is disconnected the code is not lost for a short disconnection, (about 1 minute appears to be OK on my CD changer, not sure how long beyond that though before the code is needed ....)
hello i have just had to dissconect my battery because of corroded fuses on the positive terminal and now the radio needs coding can anyone help please
8 635 123 392 0
these are tho only 2 numbers stamped on the radio.
thank you.
hello i have just had to dissconect my battery because of corroded fuses on the positive terminal and now the radio needs coding can anyone help please
8 635 123 392 0
these are tho only 2 numbers stamped on the radio.
thank you.
Try 8544 and if that doesn't work, 0544.......
Try 0349
As an aside, as long as the radio is TURNED OFF before the battery is disconnected the code is not lost for a short disconnection, (about 1 minute appears to be OK on my CD changer, not sure how long beyond that though before the code is needed ....)

Thanks it worked!
Hi I need the code for a 2009 micra 25th Anniversary edition, I could not get the unit out fully to so unsure if the is the correct info.

Serial Number - PP3001MB 0074177

Part Number - 276-0034-54

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi I need the code for a 2009 micra 25th Anniversary edition, I could not get the unit out fully to so unsure if the is the correct info.

Serial Number - PP3001MB 0074177

Part Number - 276-0034-54

Any help would be greatly appreciated

The code suggests that it is a Clarion radio. I do not have software for those and not sure if anyone else on here can decode them. If no further response on here check ebay for possible decoding , usually very cheap. (my initial decoding, before I got the software, cost me 99p from someone on there)

My mum's radio stopped working and my Dad can't seem to find the code for it. Please can somebody help. It is a Nissan Micra 2005

The serial number is BP 3349 5811 9566

Part Number 8 635 123 392

Thank You

It's just possible that a new code has been programmed into the radio because the original was lost. I had that done a few years ago on a Citroen that my wife owned, a specialist car audio company reprogrammed the radio for me. Just double checked in case I had imputed the serial number incorrectly and the codes I gave you before came up the same, so would appear that the factory programmed codes have been changed.....
Hi John,
I've had to replace the battery on my Nissan micra and since then my stereo keeps asking for a code. I didn't receive a handbook when I purchased the car, I've phoned Nissan who want £40+vat to provide it I've followed the directions for removing the stereo and I think I've got the serial numbers you need. I'd be grateful if you could try and get it for me the numbers are as follows:
BP 334958132613
8635123393.0 >St SN<
Kind regards
Hi John,

The car radio code king! Could you sort me out with a code for my radio please??Don't want to have to pay 5 quid a digit!

These are my numbers:
BP 234632011442

Do you need anything else?

Much appreciated
Hi John,

The car radio code king! Could you sort me out with a code for my radio please??Don't want to have to pay 5 quid a digit!

These are my numbers:
BP 234632011442

Do you need anything else?

Much appreciated
Try 1826 :0)
Firstly and most importantly, I feel a right tool for signing up to ask this question and I would like to apoligise now. I've been downloading calcs that I can find on the internet, but what with the recent NHS problem yesterday in the UK I really don't want to risk any trojans or spyware on my PC and then I found this site.

If anyone can help, my missus car is a Micra and the radio is MM CD-J.

The serial number is BP234746080340.

Again, thanks in advance for any assistance that maybe given and apoligises to sign up to ask this question.
Firstly and most importantly, I feel a right tool for signing up to ask this question and I would like to apoligise now. I've been downloading calcs that I can find on the internet, but what with the recent NHS problem yesterday in the UK I really don't want to risk any trojans or spyware on my PC and then I found this site.

If anyone can help, my missus car is a Micra and the radio is MM CD-J.

The serial number is BP234746080340.

Again, thanks in advance for any assistance that maybe given and apoligises to sign up to ask this question.
Try 1222 Reg.
Thank you VERY much, you are a diamond John.

I've just popped that into her radio and voila, it worked.

I cannot thank you enough although my son is going to be less then impressed she has something to now attempt to sing along with as she drives - but thank you.
Hi I've just bought a Micra for my daughter (her first car) but it needs a radio code.
The serial numbers are - 7 642 346 318 & BP234631952273 and you're help would be very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Another request for a code please. Just sold a Micra which had been sitting SORN'd for a year or more and was a bit embarrassed that the radio came up looking for a code.Luckily saw this forum and whipped the radio out this morning to find the required numbers.
BP5362 5 8419379 and 7 645 362 318

Would be really grateful for a code for the new owner, thanks
If anyone can help, my missus car is a Micra and the radio is MM CD-k.

These are my numbers:
BP3349 3 6371071
Part Number 7643349318

Thank You
Hi John,

I've mis-laid the audio system code for my Nissan Micra 2002. Just taken the unit out and the serial number is BP234720856855.

Hope you can help ?
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Another request for a code please. Just sold a Micra which had been sitting SORN'd for a year or more and was a bit embarrassed that the radio came up looking for a code.Luckily saw this forum and whipped the radio out this morning to find the required numbers.
BP5362 5 8419379 and 7 645 362 318

Would be really grateful for a code for the new owner, thanks
Try 5326 or 1326
Hi everyone.

I wondered if anyone could help with a radio code for a 2006 micra. I've recently bought it and wanted to get the radio fixed.

I did manage to find the serial number Bp334958134323.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Hi I have the same problem, took me ages to take out the radio and find the codes but they are
Serial Number: BP334947322224
Part number: 8635123392
This is my first car and I've been trying for days please could someone help I don't wanna have to pay ridiculous for it!
Thank you,
PS. its a nissan micra if this helps
Hi everyone.

I wondered if you could help with a radio code for a 2006 micra. I've recently bought it and wanted to get the radio fixed.

Unfortunately someone has removed the sticker on the unit. But I did manage to find the serial number Bp334958134323 stamped in the metal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Good evening all, please can you help me. i disconnected my mother in laws battery on here K12 Micra while doing maintenance and we dont and cant find the radio code anywhere.
its a MMRCD-G
any help with a code would be greatly recieved.
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Hi, I hope someone can help me please. I bought my Nissan micra sport last year and the battery died but now my radio won't work.


Any help would be great, thank you.
Hi, I hope someone can help me please. I bought my Nissan micra sport last year and the battery died but now my radio won't work.


Any help would be great, thank you.
Try 3255 and if that fails 1255
I changed the battery to the car and the radio is locked. I do not have the 4 digit code to unlock it, can you help? the serial number of the radio is BP538464182965 model 7645384318 thanks a lot.
I changed the battery to the car and the radio is locked. I do not have the 4 digit code to unlock it, can you help? the serial number of the radio is BP538464182965 model 7645384318 thanks a lot.
Hi Filippo,
try7091 or if that doesn't work 1091


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