K12 Radio Codes

Based on BP538464185375 your code should be 1155. You will now have to leave radio on for 1Hr before trying again, Id double check the BPXXXXXXXXXXXX is correct?
Thanks Deikliw ...I will take the radio out when my wife returns shortly and see if the numbers on the card are wrong. 1155 definitely doesn't work with the radio that's in the car. Thanks again, if I find a different number on the radio I will be back!
So, as I thought, number on the radio is different:

BP5384 69511523

also 7 645 384 318

Help would be much appreciated Delkliw.

Could You please help me out with the PIN code.
Sticker with numbers from back of the radio is gone (what ? where ? when ?) and I only have the numbers embossed in metal cover:
and on back
LP 8 635 123 524 - 3
or on side
LP 8 635 123 522 1
Please help me. No music half the fun to ride :(

Hi !
Could anybody help please?
I've just had my battery changed and the radio on my '06 Micra now needs a code.

Serial number : BP538962402963
Part: 7 645 389 318

Thank you!

Please can someone help.

My wife's car has lost the radio code after a battery change. We have the original Nissan Radiopass with the details:
Model - BP5386, Serial-Nr - 65049738, Safety-Nr - 4561
I've assumed Safety Nr is the radio unlock code but this did not work.

I have now taken the radio out of the car and the serials on the back confirms the details on the radiopass:
815 BP5386 6 5049738
7 645 386 618

It's the 6cd changer model and I have pressed:
Button 1: 4x
Button 2: 5x
Button 3: 6x
Button 4: 1x
Button TA


I've managed to get this working now. I decided to explain my problem and solution in case it is of any help for anyone else.

The additional problem I did have (which was causing me the problem all along) is that the LCD display was not showing the digits correctly. When I thought I was inputting 4561, I was actually inputting 3450.

So for me I needed to press:
Button 1: 5x
Button 2: 6x
Button 3: 7x
Button 4: 2x
Button TA
(Radio now unlocked and working)

As I was following the instructions directly from the user's manual of pressing the button the same number of times as the required digit this did not help that the LCD showed a random digit. According to the manual the first digit would be a '1' where in fact it was a '0'. Obviously if the LCD display had been working I never would have had a problem.

It's all good.

I'm having the same problem as everyone else.
Can anyone please help?

Serial No: CL081680030782
Nissan part No: 28185 BG10A
Radio Model No: PP-3001M
Hi I'm after a radio unlocking code too for my micra sport 2008. Serial No. PP3001MB004139
Model No. PP-3001M
Part No. 276003454

Many thanks
Hi can someone help with a radio code please. Serial No. BP234732045761 Part No. 7642347318
I would appreciate if anyone could help me, been without radio 6 months now :( Thanks in advance!
Hi there, I also have the same issue. My serial number is BP538469512865 and my part number is 7645384318. Please could someone help me?

Thank you.
Hi there, my battery just got replaced and it is asking for a code. The code I have on my secruity (3355) is obviously incorrect as I get an error message when I enter it. I have pulled out the unit and the serial number is different to the one on my security card. I have searched the unit and there is no BP code that every has (unless someone can tell me exactly where it is
20150712_181523 (1).jpg
. These are the only numbers on my unit:
(on a sticker)
Nissan no: 28188AX000AU
Fujitsu 10: 123001-1040A151
Serial no: DDB1300156

Embossed on rear:
121862 044

I've included photos. Any suggestions?
Hi there, my battery just got replaced and it is asking for a code. The code I have on my secruity (3355) is obviously incorrect as I get an error message when I enter it. I have pulled out the unit and the serial number is different to the one on my security card. I have searched the unit and there is no BP code that every has (unless someone can tell me exactly where it isView attachment 43560 View attachment 43561 View attachment 43562 View attachment 43563 View attachment 43564 View attachment 43565 View attachment 43560 View attachment 43560 . These are the only numbers on my unit:
(on a sticker)
Nissan no: 28188AX000AU
Fujitsu 10: 123001-1040A151
Serial no: DDB1300156

Embossed on rear:
121862 044

I've included photos. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately I don't have the software to decode the serial number. Sorry.

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