K12 Power Steering failure

Hi all, PS light was on and of for a week and now it is permanently on with stiff steering.... I tried to clear the codes but this dosn't solve the problem.... friend of mine told me you can buy used EPS and install it and you don't need any programming is this is true ? Thanks for your help
Well. Issue resolved. Another MIcra kept on the road.
Hello mate, (not really tech savvy and sorry to interject) Trying to help a mate out with his power steering failure(K12) been dragged from mechanic to mechanic and quotes of £600+ with no guarantees(add to this all the tow truck fees)- i sold the vehicle to him about a year ago and to some degree still feel responsible and additionally be good source of info for myself (i'm stuck with a couple of non runner K12's because of keyless ignition issues, non starters, immo). Any help would be much appreciated.
Kind Regards
If the eps is working on your non-runners we can remove, get the security removed, ensure correct map tune and you can fit to his car.
To get by, try waggling the steering wheel and start up engine at same time. Sounds like a wind up, but it works for me. Note when the PS first stopped working, ‘her in doors‘ drove back from ASDA with it failed and it gave get her a painful shoulder pull (rotator cuff). Take care.
Micratec, drop us a private message, I’m struggling to create any but it looks like I can reply.
Hi Huttojb.

My Mum's 2004 1.2 Micra is showing an intermittent power steering fault. Judging from the previous discussions I'm pretty sure that this falls outside my repair skills and I'd be grateful for your assistance in getting it resolved.

I live in Warwickshire and can bring it to Birmingham. Hope you can help !

Hi All,

I have just spoken with a local Nissan dealer and they say that Nissan are no longer offering a replacement steering column for my Mum's 2004 Micra.

Does the group have a favoured supplier of reconditioned parts ?

Many thanks !
I can probably help but units are limited. Struggling to get hold of them.
Thanks for offer.

Currently the next step in my plan is to see if I can get part numbers off Nissan Dealer. They seemed reasonably happy to help in the circumstances. If successful I'll post them here and we can take it from there.

Thank again !
Hi huttojb

Nissan tell me that the part number is 48805BC10B.

I'd be grateful if you could have a look to see whether you can get hold of something suitable.

Many thanks !
Hi Huttojb,

It's been a few days. I don't want to hassle you but I was wondering - Should I assume that you can't get a replacement unit?

Thanks again for your offer to help.

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Well. Issue resolved. Another MIcra kept on the road.
Hi m8.. I’m having the same problem.. running fine for 9 months (k12 2005) then today the ps light came on.. turned the car off and on again and all was good.. until I went to start again after stopping and now it won’t go off at all.. steering is sooooo heavy I’m afraid to drive it tbh.. any help would be greatly appreciated ..
Hi Huttojb,

Any chance you could send me a private message ? I'm not sure why but it doesn't seem to work for me.

If possible I'd like to get the issue resolved. Hope you can help !

Many thanks,

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