K11 Headunit to ignition wiring


Ex. Club Member
Currently have HU wired with ISO lead.

From HU.. Red + Yellow wire both go into Red wire in car.

Meaning stereo can be turned on without keys.

I however want to change it so the HU will only come on when I turn the key, I tried various combinations of Red + Yellow, etc with no luck? Does anyone know the right one!

Have searched the forums quite a bit but no existing threads were very clear.

take the yellow wire and attach it to the power feed from the cigarrette lighter (to be safe i put a 7amp inline fuse in this wire to protect my HU, i recommend you do the same)

the size of the fuse for your HU maybe different cheack your manual or look at the back of the HU and see thesize of the fuse and use the same size

now your head unit turns on only when you have the keys in
sorry to sound like im taking this off topic abit but why would you want it so you can only turn it on with the keys turned? its like taking an option way that you can choose not to use anyway, i find it comes in handy being able to listen to a cd whilst the cars off.
There's always a slight draw from electrical components if they're continuously supplied with power, you might come back to a flat battery. or a fuse might go and the car will burn to a crisp :)

If it was beneficial all car companies would do it.
Would prefer now to have it come on with keys so if I turn the key and start the car CD player will turn on/off ,etc. Rather than having to make sure i've switched it off or switch on everytime !

heres the wire colours and functions of your car connector

if i have read it correctly the 12volt positive wire in your nissan loom is blue,
i reccomend you use a multimeter to test it before you link it to your HU.

if it is then link the blue wire(from nissan) to the yellow (in your headunit adapter lead)

and your sorted

do the connectors in the link look like the connectors in your car ross?

if not then ignore the above

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