1984 K10 headunit wiring

Ive wired up a few headunits before but not sure on this. I bought a male iso adapter earlier and the only wires from my old original am radio were, +/- for ONE speaker! earth, live and a earth and live connection for the radios illumination.

Connected earth to earth and the live wire to the red and yellow wires on the adapter and although it works I lose all the memory when I turn off the ignition!? I had the same problem with one of my novas before but never sorted it out.
Sound liek the red and yellow are the wrong way around, as one it ign live and one permenant for the memory.
get your multimeter out, check you have a permanent live and one that goes live with the ignition. Then connect them up to the headunit. I think red is permanent live and yellow - should be written on the headunit. Check you have a good earth -> should be good to go.
All there was in the car was a live, which I assume must be ignition, theres just that one wire running to the red and yeloww on the adapter. Where can I run the permanent live from then?
Sorry mate, I honestly can't remember what I did. Last time I had a look was around a year ago. I know that all I did was get the multimeter out and route around for a permanent live. If the head unit you want to run is powerful, it might be worth running a decent gauge wire straight from the fusebox. The head unit is a job worth doing well the first time, otherwise it can turn into a headache.
Sorry to drag up an old thread, but for reference, take the Permanant Live from the ignition barrel (Pin 1 or 5 IIRC) and run that to the +ve on the head unit. I have a fully working Sony CD player in my 1986 Nissan now.

Sorry to drag up an old thread again again (well i found it on the first page :p).

In my experience, drop the original power wires. I had a sony headunit in my old K10 that wasnt exceptionally powerful, was just a standard cd/fm radio. Was listening to music one day to notice my car smelt like a fire, and smoke pouring out under the dash - the original wires were heating up to near burning point. Tore my headunit out and the battery lead off and left the door open for half a day nervous to go near it.

So yeah. Most people might not have this issue but rest assured my wiring was fine (i admit i hacked off the connector but i soldered and shrinked on an ISO connector).

My advice - find the ignition live from the ignition barrel (this just tells the headunit to turn on or off with the key - much like the remote connection does to your amps!) and use just this, then run a new power lead and earth lead from the battery with an appropriate fuse holder and fuse for the permanent live and negative. I did this and never had a problem there after.

Just my experience, my 2p, may or may not help :)

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