K11 Facelift black grille


Ex. Club Member
I havent checked my scrap yards yet but thought i might aswell post it on here aswell.

I'm after a Facelift grille in black if anyone has one?
you paint them. the only way you can get them in black plastic is nissan when you buy them un-painted.... just sand it back, get some plastic primer, and some gloss black and laquer...done :)
ah right,i thought they came black standard on some cars? Thanks for telling me :) I'll get one from the scrappy.

dumb question...do i rub down the chrome or prime and spray over the top?
...do i rub down the chrome or prime and spray over the top?

Both :) but just so you can get a surface the primer will stick to...as i dont think it'd be necessary to completely remove all traces of the chrome, could always use acid etch if at all concerned. :)

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