K11 chip & injectors

Hi, just fitted my 1.3 cams in my 1.0L (dont laugh) performance outcome was noticeble e.t.c. what i would like to know, would there be any beneficial in fitting 1.3 injectors? or are they the same and 1.0L, also is it possible to chip the 1.0L ecu to advance the performance, is there such thing, or again, would a 1.3 ecu make a difference??

Thanks in advance

Hi, just fitted my 1.3 cams in my 1.0L (dont laugh) performance outcome was noticeble e.t.c. what i would like to know, would there be any beneficial in fitting 1.3 injectors? or are they the same and 1.0L, also is it possible to chip the 1.0L ecu to advance the performance, is there such thing, or again, would a 1.3 ecu make a difference??

Thanks in advance


well done. does the cams kick in after 4000 revs? best bet to speak to ed about chipping the ecu.
the injectors are the same mate a chip will break your car cause it to fry the ecu and i dont think the ecu will make any differance to your car as there is cirtain things that is differant to the 1.0 and the 1.3 inside the engine so wont run well some one correct me if im wrong cant think of a way of putting it in to words properly
apparently the only difference is a bit more sparkadvance on the 1.0 ecu james (micra_pete,s early post,s are an interesting read for ecu info, btw :))
Hi thanks for your reply guys!! yeah the cams kick in after 4000 rpms and you can feel it, what i have notice from 1st to 2nd gear when i press the accelerator like pumping action (slightly) the cars pulls like a train, i mean you can feel it LOOL, for a small 1.0L but i thought maybe if fitted with a chip it will alter the timing and ad more fuel where needed!! but i guess thats not an option or is it?


you would be so much better off just transfering the 1.3 engine, it is the easiest thing to do performance wise, to a 1.0
Hi, nex thats something maybe in the future e.t.c. but at the moment id stick to the 1.0L cos i use it for work i need fuel economy and a bit of a poke to performance e.t.c..

Frank : the powerband on cam starts after 4000 rpm`s which is no use, id rather it start early for the pull away!!, its currently timed up perfect as it was when i had my 1.0L cams in.. so what must i do now for the cams to cut in early for the pull?, what markings on the cam must id have? it currently ot has 5 links inbetween the markings as you stated... what do you recommend frank..

Thanks again inadvance!!

james, the links stay the same, but on that pic you can see that the dowel has been filed down ("D" shaped) in order to advance the cam (and lower the powerband) :)
james, the links stay the same, but on that pic you can see that the dowel has been filed down ("D" shaped) in order to advance the cam (and lower the powerband) :)

Frank, i dont understand, why file the dowel to a D shape, how could that lower the powerband? isnt it possible to advance the cam forward one tooth? rather getting files out!!
Frank, i dont understand, why file the dowel to a D shape, how could that lower the powerband? isnt it possible to advance the cam forward one tooth? rather getting files out!!

one tooth would be waaay too much james :eek:, you only have to take the 1 cam bearing off and the fat washer, then drift the pin out (with rag stuffed in, to stop it falling down the timing chain hole :wasntme:).
Hi frank, what do you mean 1 cam bearing off and the fat washer? with the cam already bolted its when i get the file out anf ile away? also can the dowel come off with mole grips? this way if i f--k up then i can replace it with another!!

Im abit wierry doing this.. dont wanna mess upp big time, also as said before IF i push the timing forward by one tooth then roughly at what rpms does the cam kick in and would i get any problems doing it..

Thanks again Frank!!!

you,ll probably bend the valves at 1 tooth advance james :doh:, if you take the fat washer off and but the bolt back in (so that you dont disturb the timing), and remove the double cam bearing, the pin will drift out a p of p, then file a flat and tap it back in, that bolt has to be damn tight tho :eek:, if the sprocket slips or shears the dowel, it,ll wreck the engine eh :(
OOOOOH i seeeeeeeee, its that easy, i had the idea of marking it and taking the sprocket of and start filing!!! so one other question please as i have covered this much, how would i know how much to file off!! i know this sounds stupid but i dont wanna mess up big time as ive been this far..... on doing this slight mod, what RPM`s does the cam kick in??

Cheers master frank!!

it,ll depend on how worn your chains are, i think james, i had to file about a 2mm flat on my misses,s, and she said "have you done something to my car" :p .
so it,s a bit of trial and error i think (try some different settings)
LOOOL, ok frank, ill give it ago probably on the weekend, but saying this, is there any other way i.e. the distributor cap? to advance that to give me alittle poke for the time being?


james, it,s best to set it with a strobe really, but i just advanced my ignition timing/dizzy till it ran "harsh", then backed it off a bit tbh :blush:
as for ecu,s im running 1.3 with 1ltr ecu not a problem if anything its better up banks than my other one dont know if its down to the advancement of engine due to 1ltr ecu but i aint changing it thats for sure.
Hi frank, OK ill give that a go and see whats it all about... 1.0L ecu in a 1.3?? arnt you gonna lose any power advancement/timing advancement??


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