Ex. Club Member
This is a weird one- could be purely coincidence though!
I drove over to my folks place last night, its about a 35 mile trip and the motorway was thick with fog.
When I got closer to desination on the M60, it was really thick fog- and i started getting a misfire, so I just thought it was a bit of crap in the carb, so dropped it a cog and gunned it to "clear its throat."
It ran Ok ah high revs but spluttered a bit at low revs, and it started getting worse so I pulled over onto the hard shoulder.
I popped the bonnet and gave it a rev and had a listen- the revs just wouldnt pick up. So I whipped off the spaceship lid and revved it again (no filter) and it cleared no problem!
Now it could be coinsidence that the carb did have crap in it and it cleared through when I took the filter and lid off, but I found it terribly ironic that on the way home, there was another K10 sat on the hard shoulder in the thickest bit of fog.....
Will taking the filter off have helped? All I could think of is that maybe the moisture in the air was somehow clogging the filter, but that could be a load of old tosh.
Stank of fuel too the air filter, but I put that down to it being a stinky old carb- could be wrong, oh and the filter is not that old and certainly wasnt that dirty.
PS throttle response is somewhat improved with an open choke
Just lucky i got no stones and grenaded the engine :k10:
I drove over to my folks place last night, its about a 35 mile trip and the motorway was thick with fog.
When I got closer to desination on the M60, it was really thick fog- and i started getting a misfire, so I just thought it was a bit of crap in the carb, so dropped it a cog and gunned it to "clear its throat."
It ran Ok ah high revs but spluttered a bit at low revs, and it started getting worse so I pulled over onto the hard shoulder.
I popped the bonnet and gave it a rev and had a listen- the revs just wouldnt pick up. So I whipped off the spaceship lid and revved it again (no filter) and it cleared no problem!
Now it could be coinsidence that the carb did have crap in it and it cleared through when I took the filter and lid off, but I found it terribly ironic that on the way home, there was another K10 sat on the hard shoulder in the thickest bit of fog.....
Will taking the filter off have helped? All I could think of is that maybe the moisture in the air was somehow clogging the filter, but that could be a load of old tosh.
Stank of fuel too the air filter, but I put that down to it being a stinky old carb- could be wrong, oh and the filter is not that old and certainly wasnt that dirty.
PS throttle response is somewhat improved with an open choke