K10 Starter Motor



Well ther K10 I learnt to drive in and used to post on here about is going to be sold as Mum is making way for a new car.

I have moved onto other cars since I used to post on here.

Went and bought myself a 2.0l Mondeo Ghia X. Was a huge difference to the Micra, insurance wasnt cheap for me as I'm only 18. Loved the car though.

It was rear ended at some lights by a white van driver in December and is now dead. I have broken most of it for spares. Just have the engine and gearbox left really, in the car though.

I now have a Rover 214i which I got for free as it was a bit of a wreck but I have done some work on it and it now has 12months MOT. Just have to tidy the bodywork up now. Then I will sell it and probably get a van myself as I am now self employed :)

Anyway, now I have given the update I have a question about K10 starter motors.

Mum's car is a 1.0 MY1989 (G Reg).

The starter solenoid is a bit tired I think as sometimes the car doesnt start and get a nice grinding noise instead.

I love working on the Micra as it's a doddle so changing the starter isn't a problem.

What I would like to know is from what cars can I take a starter motor from? Do K11 have the same starter? Am I restricted to 1.0 or can I take one from a larger engined micra?

Also, if anyones selling one let me know :)

Oh, the rear fog light doesnt work, the light in the switch doesn't come on either. Any ideas?
(Yes have checked the bulb!)


the griding noise is down to worn starter and flywheel ring gear, so you may have to change the flywheel as well
The flywheel was skimmed a few months back when the clutch was changed :)

Most of the time it starts but on the odd occasion it doesnt.

I managed to find a micra in a breakers this morning so now have a starter :)

It would be nice to know your results from this as there are a good few of us in here that also suffer from this occationnal grind. I dont know of anyome who had done this fix yet.....anyone?

This isn't occasional though.

It happens every few days and will usually happen 2-6times in a row when it does.
Mine did that, always with lots of people around, embarising.

I changed the starter for one from the scrappy, was off a micra that had only done 62,000. Sorted it out a treat. That was about 2 years ago, it done it for the first time again a few weeks ago. So held up for a while.
The starter motor is easily serviced too and this can cut down some of the noise. Can't remember if it's in the Haynes or not but comes aprat obviously. Clean everything out with fine emery paper so all the contacts are shiny again and all the grease and crap is off the gears and rebuild.

I found a fried woodlouse in mine, no idea how it got there! :)

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