K10 Clutch Upgrade: Definitive options

Dear Resident MSC Superheroes,

I have just spent the last 2 hours failing to find ANY definitive part numbers and prices for K10 compatible clutch upgrades

MA09?, early CG?, or straight MA10/MA12?

....neither on MSC nor Google etc (yes, I am crap)...lol

If ANYONE knows of ANY 'clear and definitive' upgrade options please can you post them here....keep it clean?...solutions only please (no ambiguous discussion?)

Thanks chaps!!
get a stock pressure plate modded with stronger springs. Thats probably the easiest option.
Ed thanks for your reply mate!

From your reply; I am presuming that there aren't any 'off the shelf' upgrade options. Is this right?

Your strategy/proposal to mod the springs on a stock pressure plate is appreciated, but I dont have that kind of 'know-how'...nor the resource to acheive this :-( (CRYING NOW)

Is this something that you have done allready?
...More to the point; how much would fusion motorsport charge to ship me a suitably modded plate complete with a fresh OEM frizby?....

...I guess this plate would be a SIGNIFICANT improvement performance/torque-transfer-wise wheen used with a new OEM 360 organic clutch?
I would guess between 200-250. It would be a custom one. I dont know any off the shelf options for the non turbo K10's they are different and smaller to the turbo ones.
Reality is a bummer!. but at least the answer is here in black and white now

...for anyone with a (non turbo) K10......<most of us> you really are screwed if you want an off-the-shelf clutch upgrade!! (finished crying now)

Ed, I smell a business opportunity for you here, and I don’t mind being the guinea-pig!!

Given the supply-demand on this one...the price seems OK to me TBH.

Can you draft up a technical & commercial spec for the custom cover c.w. new OEM frizby? (PM if you prefer)

1. Source application of both springs & cover plate
2. Maximum Sustained Torque (without slippage)...an estimate will be fine
3. Warrantee
4. Lead-time
5. Price of parts (including postage & packaging & VAT <and any other 'crud' that may apply>)

no hurry on reply (I appreciate that some time is needed for some more detailed research)

cheers again!
there is a nismo clutch for the cg10,im sure Amy could get one imported, Helix also offer a racing clutch for the k10.

having spoken to some ST owners they recomend Exedy clutchs for the ST and im using an exedy clutch in mine and it has no problem taking the power what so ever not even given the sign of slipping once
But you have at best 70lb/ft torque. Its a whole different matter when you have nitrous where you get a HUGE increase in torque (thats what makes clutches slip - not power). With Nitrous the ST had over 200lb/ft. It would slip a brand new clutch even with a Nismo plate.

160mm nismo one may be available, but probably cost more still.
I have two nismo clutches coming from japland at the moment,now I'm keeping one but would sell the other at the right price. . . .

i've def seen a helox clutch for the k10 £300 or around that, how much tourqe you looking at here? i'm no expert but i have def seen this clutch available and i would of thought it could withstand a substantial increase in tourqe. then again im sure ed knows WAY more than me so listen to him lol
the only time a gearbox went on me was because i spent nearly 2 hours drifting my super s in a car park (it was covered in ice) shortly after it always jumped out of gear so had to be replaced :(

so the moral of the story is dont abuse it and drive like a plum!

although it was great fun! i can see why the cars were used for rallying!

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