Just Done 1.6 Conversion in K11



Just done 1.6 Primera engine conversion in K11 Micra, it took just under 2 weeks. Easy and Straight forward to do (I Wish) had to make mountings and tensioner for water pump belt. You don't need to change any wireing or ECU. Estimated speed 140mph with some to go, estimated 115bhp. thinking of doing 2.0ltr next, maybe turbo.
i thnk that 135mph is about right TBH as the primeras will go 125-130 ish. i think it would be possible to reach those speeds,

good on ya mate you got any problems with handeling, extra understeer etc, also do you have big traction problems or is that ok ish?

any guides or tips would be good for the site.

excellent work

a 1.6 tb wont run on a k11 ecu unless you put the k11 tb on the 1.6 engine which would really drop the power down and choke it.
No pics at moment, i'll put some on website soon. alot of modifications to engine mountings they have to be made bigger, the nearside driveshaft has to be made smaller and you have to cut a V in chassis leg to fit water pump pulley in, the K11 throttle body fits straight onto the 1600 engine. If it doesn't have a front anti-roll bar on I suggest you fit one. I haven't uprated brakes yet but sunny brakes go straight on.
you will may have under 100bhp with that k11 tb on there. pick up a cheap 1.6 ecu and refit the 1.6 tb you will be suprised.
good luck with your new conversion.
get sum pics up m8 and sum more info (measurments for cutin chasis and mounts) bought an engine today for my conversion agen! its bein deliverd on friday,,,3rd engine lucky ehh!!
I have the 1.6 ECU but the engine won't run with it on so i think some wires need connecting up somewhere, I won't be able to put measurements up because it will take to long to get them all. but it is rapid considering it's on standard wireing and ECU and 1.0 Throttle body. To help with the handling I have lowered it by 40mm on nismo spring and put clio alloys (195/50/15) and part from that it's standard.
no modding is needed for the 1.6 ecu. you must have one with imobilser coding on it if it wotn start, you need one pre 95 which didnt have them.
1.6 ecu needs 1.6 tb micra ecu needs micra tb.
the ecu if its non coded will work without mods. unless that is you have nats which you will have to disable or get nissan to reprogramme if you have chassis code from donor car i think.
kingy said:
I won't be able to put measurements up because it will take to long to get them all. .

i only want the measurement for the chasis cuttin part mate if you could get me that,that wuld be great!
Dont expect much in the way of a top speed increse compared to a Primera. Primeras are more aerodynamic, and top speed is hardly unaffected by the weight of a car (unless on a hill). Power of these engines standard for the MPI version is IIRC 105bhp.
i dnt think will do 140 but maybe around 135 mark as my vtr was supposedly 98bhp and got 130 out of that altho did take a very long time
is there any data on the coeffecient of the micra and the primera? i have rad that although the micra shape is not aero minded as its so small overall in surface area compared to a primera it maybe quite similar?
Doesn't work like that, the micra is flat from the back this creates drag. Its not about frontal area. Picture the profile of a wing for ideal aerodynamics. The primera with its boot fits much closer to this than a Micra.
i mean in terms of length, the air has shorter distance to run over on micra than primera..?
having a lowered micra helps with air resistance which is a bonus. just need a goo undertray like the micra kit cars have. expensive but ground effect downforce must be good.
Luke, you should do some checking up on aerodynamics. Lots of the things you have suggested will work totally different to how you describe. Length of airflow will make almost no odds. Why do you want ground downforce? that will add drag and slow you down. Also lowing a K11 will never ever have any effect that you could possibly measure.
straight line speed is not something i'm interested in too much, if there is a downforce effect from a k11 undertray system i would rather have it than not. round the corners it would be great. there must be quite alot of drag underneath a normal k11 with all those different shaped bits everywhere, could be just as much drag without the undertray but pushing in all sorts of directions instead of down..
i'm not going to do much research on it. i know lowering presents less of a high side on face from winds blowing over certain roads. so the aero shape is better from the lowering effect.
Interesting topic. K11's aren't that aerodynamic and as Ed sais the Primera would be better. In regards to the undertrays, if you're not interested in speed, you'll gain nothing from fiddling with them, spend the time on the suspension setup as it'll prove much more beneficial.

As for getting 140mph out of a K11 with a GA16DE in, I think that's a tad ambitious.......especially in a standard state of tune. It would have no more advantage than my car. I have had plenty of experience with 1.6 Primeras and I can outrun them in a straight line race, so go figure. A well tuned 1.6 making at least 130-140bhp would be much more potent and should reach close to those speeds, although I am not sure if you would be close to the redline. 129mph on a 1.3 box is 6000rpm in 5th gear.....apparently ;)

There is rather a lot of load on the bonnet interestingly, at around 120mph you can see the bonnet deforming upwards, so the central portion of the bonnet starts to bow above the wing line and rock from side to side on the catch.........not very reassuring but interesting none the less.
How much did you look into fitting the 2.0 engine? I'm looking to do this to mine. I've got a mate with a primera GT and we've put both cars side by side and measured etc. Appart from putting the primera engine/gearbox mounts in, it looks an easy conversion to do. The only problem we could see was putting the rad in place as it's about an inch too big to fit between the headlights. We couldn't believe how similer everything was. And then there's the wiring, but you say it all just plugged in on your car and you used your original ECU. Would this be the same for the 2.0 ltr?
I was going to just buy the full car anyway, so i've got everthing that i need.
Does anyone know the difference in the engines in a primera GT and an SRi?
very interesting, i must admit i had totally overlooked the areodynamics and yes that does ake a lot of sense, i guess the only place that bhp will affect speed will be without drag.

i managed 125mph with around 80bhp and that was in slip stream behind a 306 after that i could never manage to top 120 and that was with 100+bhp.

im guessing that the other factor to consider is gearing, im sure the GA box has longer ratios than the CA, i guessed that the 1.3 would go to 135mph ish on the rollers in fifth but just a guess mind. id guess the 1.6 would go to 145 on the rollers. again a guess and i dont expect to be able to achieve those kind of speeds on the roads with drag.

tajones said:
Does anyone know the difference in the engines in a primera GT and an SRi?

about 20 bhp lol, the GT was the red top version of the SR series and i believe it had 150bhp as std. i think this was due to a more aggressive inlet cam. whereas the Gti has around the 125-135bhp mark.
nice to read sum1 has done this:)

get the TB changed over to the 1.6 aswell as the ECU.
as for the 1.6 reaching top speed in standard form,
if using the correct exhaust bore i'd say a about 130 ish.

wot mods have you got planned now since the engine is done??

if you want more information on fitting a 2.0 then pm me:p
as for the rad
you can use the 2.0 Rad, it wil fit but then its a tight fit, best off with a custom rad IMO.
the 2.0 wiring is different compared to the 1.3 and 1.6 engines so is the ECU..

just like to add.. the 2.0 i had was a S.O.B to work on:down:
theres no room to play with especially on the pulley side:(
I have to admit Nissan have done poor in desiging the front end of the k11
Its aerodynamics ain't soo good for top end because of the front end being shaped too flat.

just look at one from the side.. you'll know wot i mean(imagine it cutting through the air @high speed)???
I agree with Luke on the lowering bit, it does make a difference:)
guess you cant really blame nissan too much for a city car design when aero effect isnt much of a consideration. i may have to do a bit of research or aerodynamica as i would like to find out what benefits downforce can have at NA micra speeds. i was looking at a model of a touring type car with downforce effects labeled on it and biggest area of down force is from the front bumper/spoiler section. quite a lot of lift is created from middle of bonnet and roof. high pressure is generated at rear of bonnet which can be used by manufactures to feed air to the engine airbox. the rear spoiler also creates a pressure area helping to suck the air out of the rear diffuser from underneath the car helping the vacume from the undertray and the sideskirts as they are meant to be used to stop air leaking out of the sides of the underbody.
i conclude i just want a race car now. anything will do.
I think the top end speeds mentioned are also ambitious, and must also be noted that the speedo is very likely to be well out.

I know mine is now (since the 1.6 conversion)

One way to think of aerodynamic drag is this. A car punches a hole in the air, the air has to pass around the car and fill in the hole at the back. The easier it is to fill in the hole, the lower the drag. A cars height and width also play a role in drag. If you can have a look at the models CD figure. It is drag that limits top speed per Hp not the cars weight as such. The shape of the front of a car is relevant however.
imo i don't see the need to do 140mph in a micra :S

Fasest i've ever done was 118 and i dont really want to do more then that. How fast to the 60 or 100 sprint is the car with the 1.6 engine upgrade?
all sounds fishy to me to be honest the wring for the SR20 is no wherenear enything like that of the CG also i think it would be ni on impossibe for it to run properly on a micra ECU.

the SR conversion isnt as simple as it looks the mounts are different they look the same but there sadly not.

Get some pics of this car up!
High top speed is a bit boring really.... you hardly ever use it, and doing anything above 120 in a Micra doesn't feel at all safe. Acceleration is so much better.
Raceworx said:
all sounds fishy to me to be honest the wring for the SR20 is no wherenear enything like that of the CG also i think it would be ni on impossibe for it to run properly on a micra ECU.

the SR conversion isnt as simple as it looks the mounts are different they look the same but there sadly not.

Get some pics of this car up!

its a GA16 not an SR20 though mate.
With a full whiteline package you'd be suprised at just how stable and manoverable a Micra is at 125mph. Ask James ;)
i know that but there closer related than a CG13 and GA16 are. the same principals are there. The SR and CA use the same mounts IIRC or same mount positions on the car.

all im saying is that a 1.6 wont work on aicra ECU and non of the wiring will just simply all match up. and if they do the sensorsmay be different.

Hell i could be wrong it could be that simple but i stll remain skeptical
Raceworx said:
i know that but there closer related than a CG13 and GA16 are. the same principals are there. The SR and CA use the same mounts IIRC or same mount positions on the car.

all im saying is that a 1.6 wont work on aicra ECU and non of the wiring will just simply all match up. and if they do the sensorsmay be different.

Hell i could be wrong it could be that simple but i stll remain skeptical

i would have thought the wiring would be similar though mate for the GA and the CG because of the tb conversion. You just lob the 1.6 ECU onto the 1.3 loom and it works..
there are some pics of the Micra 1.6 Conversion up on www.photobucket.com Album is called Michealking
how much did ur 1.6 conversion set u back? parts and all that? labour? have u changed the dials too? cheers
The username is michealking and the password is nissan for the pics hope you like what you see. just snapped a driveshaft clean in half might be gettin some titanium ones made at £200 a pop.
aye the pics work for me...good work, any idea why the shaft snapped? seems odd


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