I've just got back home, after being followed for 45 minutes!
I went putting some petrol in, ready for the rest of the week.
Whilst on my way home, this car comes flying up behind me flashing his lights. He was also weaving his car on both sides of the road behind me.
I just think "What a ****", and carry on driving. I noticed that everywhere I turned on my way back home, down the little streets... he was following me.
It was an old clapped out fiesta with some slap head chav driver, and 4 slappers inside.
Anyway, I carried on driving down random streets to see if he really was following me... and after 20 minutes of going round in circles he was still there!
I drove at about 25mph for about 10 minutes to get him to overtake but he stayed behind me. I then drove at 20mph in 30 zones on a few occassions, and he had PLENTY of room to drive past... but instead he stayed behind me blowing his horn and flashing his lights.
I thought to myself "I need to get rid of him". Being tale-gated is bad enough... never mind being followed.
I decided to head for the 'East Lancs' (Local fast carridgeway). I headed for it, and went as fast as I could go (Within the speed limits)... all the way down. He was virtually a small dot in my mirror, when I decided to turn off to head back home.
I turned off on the next turning... to get stuck at a set of lights. He then appeared behind me AGAIN! He was really starting to get on my nerves... so I thought I'd take him for a drive on my work route (A good 15 miles)
I thought to myself, if I drive for long enough he will get bored. He carried on following me, but I then got to a 40 road which I knew and turned onto it. I floored it all the way down (Within the limits), and as I knew the area I went down some little side-streets.
I then had lost the little scrote. I went down a back alley... and turned my lights out so if they did happed to look around because they lost me, they wouldn't see me.
Anyway, I did lose them thanks to my work route. He must of been a local barry, and seeming as though he was 15 miles away from home when I lost him... he's probably still trying to find his way home now! :laugh:
It serves him right for following me.
I don't really see the reason why he followed me!
I've just got back home, after being followed for 45 minutes!
I went putting some petrol in, ready for the rest of the week.
Whilst on my way home, this car comes flying up behind me flashing his lights. He was also weaving his car on both sides of the road behind me.
I just think "What a ****", and carry on driving. I noticed that everywhere I turned on my way back home, down the little streets... he was following me.
It was an old clapped out fiesta with some slap head chav driver, and 4 slappers inside.
Anyway, I carried on driving down random streets to see if he really was following me... and after 20 minutes of going round in circles he was still there!
I drove at about 25mph for about 10 minutes to get him to overtake but he stayed behind me. I then drove at 20mph in 30 zones on a few occassions, and he had PLENTY of room to drive past... but instead he stayed behind me blowing his horn and flashing his lights.
I thought to myself "I need to get rid of him". Being tale-gated is bad enough... never mind being followed.
I decided to head for the 'East Lancs' (Local fast carridgeway). I headed for it, and went as fast as I could go (Within the speed limits)... all the way down. He was virtually a small dot in my mirror, when I decided to turn off to head back home.
I turned off on the next turning... to get stuck at a set of lights. He then appeared behind me AGAIN! He was really starting to get on my nerves... so I thought I'd take him for a drive on my work route (A good 15 miles)
I thought to myself, if I drive for long enough he will get bored. He carried on following me, but I then got to a 40 road which I knew and turned onto it. I floored it all the way down (Within the limits), and as I knew the area I went down some little side-streets.
I then had lost the little scrote. I went down a back alley... and turned my lights out so if they did happed to look around because they lost me, they wouldn't see me.
Anyway, I did lose them thanks to my work route. He must of been a local barry, and seeming as though he was 15 miles away from home when I lost him... he's probably still trying to find his way home now! :laugh:
It serves him right for following me.
I don't really see the reason why he followed me!