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Jolley Mirca

Got 4 for all round then?
Not a bad length maybe a tad stiff... but loads better than what you have already :)

Ah I see. Makes sense I guess. Why would someone not return springs :/

Nah just the pair, my idea was to stick them on the back and try them, if they were to stiff, stick them on the front and then have something softer at the rear.
Trial and error my friend ;)
Or get 275front and 250rear and have done with it ;)

Well I've already paid for them, will see how this goes.
If they are to much, might take the 100 help springs out, but then I'm not sure if I'd feel the bump more!
But surely it would reduce the overall rating for the shock?
Then again the 100 will be taking out the small bumps in the road... not sure
Well I've already paid for them, will see how this goes.
If they are to much, might take the 100 help springs out, but then I'm not sure if I'd feel the bump more!
But surely it would reduce the overall rating for the shock?
Then again the 100 will be taking out the small bumps in the road... not sure
the helpers just keep the springs captive on droop, and are fully coilbound by the weight of the car :)
Haha mine don't seem to be fully compressed when its sitting there, still holds the car up. Its more compressed then if it was jacked up compared to the normal springs
Haha mine don't seem to be fully compressed when its sitting there, still holds the car up. Its more compressed then if it was jacked up compared to the normal springs
They're probably 100lb/in helpers. I'd leave em in if I were you
They're no much but neither is a k10 you can get varying lengths and strengths but it becomes fairly technical.
On a daily they'll just keep the spring captive. Properly setup they cam become a part of a progressive set up :)
They're probably 100lb/in helpers. I'd leave em in if I were you
They're no much but neither is a k10 you can get varying lengths and strengths but it becomes fairly technical.
On a daily they'll just keep the spring captive. Properly setup they cam become a part of a progressive set up :)

Ok cool. Still waiting for my springs to turn up though :( But I will keep the helper springs in :)
Okey Its been awhile. So sadly no pictures. :(
Well I've noticed the website has been updated and I like the new posting box I'm writing all this in :)

Thought I'd do a small update for anyone that wants a read. Things are running slow like normal.

Things I'm in the middle of...

  • I got the springs I wanted but sadly the diameter was to small and had to return them for another set which I'm in the process of doing.
  • Also I'm in the process of buying a super s rear bumper (hopefully that goes well) and have a couple of ideas for it once I get it.
  • In the process of selling my minilites just waiting for a buyer which I think is going to take along time but once that is done I can get my new wheels and lower my car.
  • I hoping to get starmags et6 7j. I know a lot of people have these alloys but I think its one of the best or the best style of alloys that suits the K10.
  • I have a couple of plans for them that will make them stand out from everyone else :) I hope.

Some small problems that have come up recently...

  • Handbrake light keeps coming on randomly and not sure why (Seems to be when hard cornering and not sure if the switch is contacting the handbrake causing the light to come on)
  • And also I'm getting a funny knocking noise from the rear coilovers when dropping the accelerator and pushing down on the accelerator only in 1, 2, and 3, doesn't seem to have enough power in the other gears to carry it through. This has only happened since the rear of the car went over a sleep bump faster than I planed. Wasn't fast at all (5-10mph if that) but enough to make this noise and can't work out why? Not sure if it could be damaged or maybe it just needs greasing up.
So that's it folks
Have you had a look at the rear setup?
I have, but not a good look. When I swap the springs I will have a better look and play with it to see where this noise is coming from. Couldn't see anything, looks fine. Not sure if it is the springs, could be something different. Just know its coming from the rear and hear it during gear changing.
Hmm... exhaust off its hanger? :/
Ok I emptied the boot and took anything out that rattled. I think I've found the problem. I think it is the exhaust, I had new mounts put on and the exhaust was resting (touching) on the bodywork but the mounts were super tight and now I think they have loosened up a little. So when accelerating and dropping the accelerate I think its the moment of the engine being carried out through to the exhaust and hitting the bodywork. Do you think a exhaust flexi pipe would help this annoying banging noise?? The idea of the flexi pipe is to help take out the vibration right?? Or I could make it so the exhaust has a gap from the body... But I'm not sure what kinda play I have.
So some of you know I haven't long had the car paint after I had work done to the arches and meant I had to spray the arches to match the car.
Now I went to my car this morning and some ass hole!!! Had keyed the whole lefts side of my car!!! Like wtf for?? I don't get some people.
And boy they are deep key marks... oh and not only one line... nooooo they went for a second!!!! I'm not overly happy about it if you couldn't tell





I remember when a little lad walked down our entire road keying every car... thank fook I was sat in the kitchen watching so mine was avoided.
Partners Fiesta wasn't so lucky :(

Get the machine polish out mate
They look nasty :( can never understand why would someone. Sadly look bit too deep for machine polishing out, u could try filling them with paint e.g touch up a few thin layers thinned down. Untill you fully fill the hole; then wet flat back till flat then machine. Although looks like u have metallic finish which is hard to hide differences in paint, much easier with a flat finish. Sry to see this happend :(
Yeah sadly this is way to deep, you can really feel the indent. Atm I'm not going to sort it out where I live, in-case that son of a b***h comes back and does it again, wish I knew who did it, would make them pay one way or another. Anyway can't let it keep me down. Must live on. Just means I need to re-paint the car. Wasn't finished before, still had doors to do but now I got loads more than planned.
Starmags :p I know people have done it before but its what I like and can't find anything else that would suit the car. Gonna paint them so it will be a little different
Okey, so it's been awhile since I've updated this. Been saving my pennies for this...

Need to lower the front a lot more and the back just a little
I'm planning on putting this on, but not sure when and can't decide where to put it...
Hey been reading all of the posts and gotta say it looks amazing!!

Where did you get the stickers(?) for the heating/radio panels? And those wheels (i'm not technical let's be honest) are just beautiful. Good job!
Hey been reading all of the posts and gotta say it looks amazing!!

Where did you get the stickers(?) for the heating/radio panels? And those wheels (i'm not technical let's be honest) are just beautiful. Good job!
I second this where did you get those stickers?

Those wheels are 13x7 4x00 starmags. You can find them on ebay easy.

Think the offset is 6et.
Thanks! Did you just get one of the sticker bomb sheets and cut it to size then? Really like the way it looks, might give it a go myself...
Yeah its pretty easy to do. I cut it a little bigger than the part your trying to cover. Needs to be a smooth object or it wont work. Heat it with a hair dryer depending on the shape, this will help the wrap get into shape, be careful not to over heat the wrap though or keep the heat in one area for to long. Loads of videos on youtube to give you an idea. Does take time, so take it easy :D all the best
Thought I'd phone insurance today to find out how a roll cage would affect my insurance and was surprisingly told it would fall under my interior changes I have on the insurance already, so that's a win :) As I was already on the phone thought I might as well enquirer an engine swap and was sadly told they wouldn't insure me at all :( also they said if I lower my car more than >5cm they wouldn't insure me. I think I fall within the <5cm :confused:
What thats just silly, it all help improve the car. They don't know what they are talking about.

Thought I'd get my phone call in writing so went on the site and inputted the same information and now its saying these changes will cost me £90

I wish they made their minds up! Either way thats not much :D
Silly question but I need to change my exhaust pipes as they are a little rusty and these a hole or 2.
I got no idea what I'm looking for, all I know is that I need the rear section that goes over the rear axle and the center section.
I found the following but unsure if thats what I need;
Rear section of exhaust: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-Mi...r+Make:Nissan|Model:Micra&hash=item43c3c4319b
and I think this is the centre part I need, is there more to it than this??
Haha oh I thought it was in 3 sections, shows how much I know. And I also thought they were for the k10 :oops: Cheers for the links buddy.
Well my old back box came off while driving to a friends due to a rusty hole and then breaking. Got a whole new system and back box thanks to Andy's help.


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