Job Hunting


Ex. Club Member
Does any one know of some good job sites. i'm looking at moving on (hopefully up in the feild) and haven't got a clue where to start. google seems to easy - any one know of some good IT job site?
could try your local job centre mate. they have loads of information and can probably give you more information and advice than a website springs instantly to mind :)

My company is an IT recruitment agency as well as a support one too so you may well run into one of the jobs we have advertised on a jobsite somewhere ;)
Other places to check are Jobserve
and Jobsite

So what are you after, contracting or Permanent?

If you're thinking about contracting and are after info, drop me a line and I'll be glad to fill you in on things.
Jobsite is ace!
You do a CV and few other things and they contact you for interviews, I was hounded for 2 weeks so had to remove CV!