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Japseye,s SI Project


Buy & Sell Member
Well it used to be a very good car until the 1.6 got put in. and due to what ever reason its never ran again, and all I had of the original set up was the engine 1.3. no flywheel, starter motor, gearbox, driveshafts, alternater and no original looms. Now ive sorced these items and cleaned them all up seviced and painted them its time to take out the white elephant lump 1.6 and start the rebuild. I dont have photos of items ive painted but will take some tomorrow.
The first thing on the restore menu is to remove the engine and engine mounts and refit micra mounts. Then it will be time to start and refit the rest at this moment in time its just an empty shell not even a carpet there are no seats to speak of but thats a way off yet.
As this has and is going to set me back a few bob I sold the si clocks for £40.00 and the steering wheel and airbag are been sold on ebay the last one sold made around £80.00 so this will cover costs of replacment items there not needed as ive decided to turn the clock back on this one and use all the parts from a N reg SR.
Heres a pic of what it did look like and tomorrow I will put one up of what it looks like now (crap).


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Its been a slow week or so gearbox and drive shafts cleaned and painted 1.6 engine and box removed chassis legs cleaned up and ready for repair and new mounts to be welded in, front to rear engine support removed cleaned and painted, still lots to do though, on the plus side I now have all the parts needed to rebuild it. ive set a target of the end of april to have it finished and back on the roads...What of the 1.6 engine and box well there sitting in my yard if anyone wants them just come and get them....FREE if no one wants them then the scrap man can have em low mileage 46 thou shame for it to get wasted but hey its now surplus to my needs.....


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Has been a very long day today 8.30 am start. First job on the agenda was to remove the rotton front cross member and replace it with the new one I purchased earlier in the week. That done I turned my attention to the splits in the inner wings left from the removal of engine mounts for the 1.6 that sat in there after grinding welds flush I then welded in the new engine mounts for the 1.3 all original parts after making good the welds, I gave the whole lot two coats of hammerite black paint. I then decided it was such a good day I would fit fly wheel and clutch to engine and mate the gearbox up. fitted alternater and starter motor. And if that wasnt enough for a days work and not quite tired I just had to fit the engine you know the old saying measure twice well it paid off everything lined up perfectly I was well pleased engine support cross member was fitted and after all that I dedcided to call it a day finnish time 6.30pm. tommorow im off to scrappy for a battery tray and power steering pipe, Jobs left to do is fit drive shafts fit the looms and hopefully a test fire of the engine then if all is well refit interia when I get one...


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some update on this========== another si saved from breakers yard engine bay completed gone none nats with sr looms fired up straight away. Only problem I have is it seems to be reving a tad on the high side any help on this would be good. jobs left to do is fit one drive shaft and re wire the headlights and indicaters then fit dash and interia gearbox and drive shafts were taken from sr also which means retro fitting speedo cable.........the end is in sight now and I cant wait untill I get to test drive it......
Only a few minor things to sorce now like inner arch covers and a pre facelift dashboard as i dont want to be cutting wires to fit the more modern si plugs in dash so best i just replace it all. Interia is all I have left to do now well that and a good polish the end is in sight my target date was end of april but I think ive hammered that now this will be finnished by end of month, only lights left to wire and one leccy window........
Argh one step forward and two back at least thats what it feels like. The prefacelift dash isnt a straight swap you have to relocate fuseboard mountings and you also have to remove the steel bar that runs accross the passenger side, but that done it looks well nice retro look. I do have a few niggly problems and that is hazard warning switch I assumed like I would imagine everyone else on here that one prefacelift hazzard warning switch was the same as everyone elses WRONG when I removed the super sport looms I left the switch,s why because I all ready had them so I thought now I have to go on the hunt for a hazzard switch that has only 8 terminals on the rear of it a small step back. and if thats not enough when you try to operate the lights to test the rear connections every light on the cluster illuminates well high beam and indicaters all togeather im putting this down to the fact that the front needs new connections on so its shorting somewhere. That said things are progressing now and friday should see the interia finnished, that is if I can find the correct switch, dont know why they have to keep changing stuff but not to worry im sure one will turn up.
My mate is going to see if he can get one today if he cant then I will send you pm mate, it was an honest oversite who would have thought they would be differant in the meantime some progress pics..


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progress has been good this weekend all the lights are now sorted after a lot of head scratching, rear lights on si arnt plug and go even though the plug fits they are wired different to the pre facelift so instead of taking them apart to rewire them i simply changed the whole unit. front lights were the same on the sr loom the side lights and indicaters share the same 3 pin plug on the si they have there own live and earth so had to modify those with the correct plugs some solder and heat shrink....indicaters were sorted with the correct hazard warning switch so all those work now. carpets in and just the seats and exhaust tail pipe left to go, Whilst undertaking this I thought that it would be a straight forward weekend job boy was I wrong, that said I know every nut and bolt holding it together, nats is not an issue anymore as ive gone none nats no more headaches with that, electric windows all work in fact tommorow I will have an up and running si total cost of parts was about 250 quid plus what i gave for car shell and engine not a lot, the last job for monday will be putting the Gti calipers and discs on.....oh can some one tell me is the plastic wheel arch covers the same on the prefacelift as the facelift forgot about those i dont have any whoops.
Finished well very nearly seats in dash sorted brakes done only one thing left do do and that is find a steel power steering pump pipe, and exhaust to bolt up, all in all it has been educational finding what you can use from the prefacelift to fit the facelift and finding ways around it. But in suming up it has been well worth it I would imagine that for the total outlay of about 250 quid I now have a usable si k11 worth about 1200 to 1500 quid so money in the bank sort of. When I get it washed and polished I will post some pics, and now I know what fits and what year micras had and hadnt nats then maybe the next one will be very easy........
Well done mate :)

Stupid how they changed all the wiring isn't it! All I've done is the lights, would hate to do anything else!
well I used to say if it aint broke dont fix it but they seem to have changed everything wiring wise, penny pinching I think. I could of re wired the back lights to work but that would mean scotch blocks or block connecters and that would be no good, on the plus side choosing the super sport looms paid dividends as you have all the extra wires in place for electric windows and the driving lamps only thing I was unable to do was the central locking but I can live without it I wasnt prepared to take the door latch,s off and pull everything to bits for the sake of that. so now my facelift sports prefacelift looms dashboard and clocks so when you get into it your in a time warp back to prefacelift and when your outside its a facelift best of both worlds like your but other way around.
How have you wired the back lights up then? I swapped the wires around on the cluster themselves, so i still have the option of refitting my facelifts :)

So what have you actually done, a facelift car, with a prefacelift interior? Is the engine and loom from a prefacelift too?
engine is from the facelift looms are from the 95 supersport dashboard is from super sport as is clocks gearbox again from super sport had to cut hole for cable didnt rewire back lights just changed the clusters for the older type from a micra shape as the facelift clusters dont have wires in them but solid tracks to much fiddly stuff to get them working hence the decision to use older clusters. front seats are from my yellow micra back seat is from a 97 shape will be getting it recoverd in black and grey to match front rally type seats.
Got there today finally a test drive after 2 hours of getting a power steering pipe to seal, then working the rest of the day fitting everything back upi and the last task fit the pulsar discs and calipers, brakes need bleeding as they are still a little spongy but I can live with that until the weekend time to have a little fun with it before I decide its fate maybe another ebay auction coming up I havent made my mind up, mind you there is a strong possibility I keep it, and sorry but the phots are crap.


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thanx had to save it as the shell was just to sweet to throw away

After taking it out on test drive last night there are 1 or 2 niggly problems, front brakes are binding a little nothing major though and the position height of steering wheel, I left the facelift steering colum in tact but fitted a prefacelift dash now for some reason getting a plastic cowel to fit around ignition barrel was a pain at the finnish I had to use the old k11 cowel and steering wheel as that was the only combo that would work but in doing so ive lost about 1.5" in height and as im 6ft2 that makes a big differance, I could just cut the back of the cowel off to get it higher which I will try first and if that looks total pants then I will have to change the colum over to an older one, I think looking at them the older k11 colum may be slightly longer im not sure, Oh and the pulsar brakes had to do emergancy stop due to some old person. (I wont call them as we all get old ) if it were not for the upgrade no doubt he would be dead I was amazed at how fast I came to a stand still. The difference between these and normal brakes is like chalk and cheese, And the old guy not a mark stoped without so much as giving him concern either that or he wasnt even aware I was there bless him.
gearbox goosed trials and tribulations argh well back in the garage till I get one, its drivable as is but the noise has got my head throbing. Some you win some you lose. when using 2nd hand parts in fact its a very small job really compared to whats past. When I started this I was not clued up on how many things differ from one micra to the next and how many changes nissan made even down to heated rear window switch,s and anyone who undertakes rebuilding one in the future might want to use 1 scrap car for all there parts then life would be easier for them.