Hm ok then and now I know after more reading that a warm cat (which it should be when tested) is more likely to pass the emissions test.
Thanks frank cleared things up for me a little bit, ok a hypothetical scenario, which I do want to happen eventually. My car micra 1.0l K11 1998, upgrade the engine to a 1.3l from a S/SR, and I will find one that’s younger with less miles, an steal the gear box (as backup what ever, I just feel I want it to match, lol maybe I have a little OCD), from scrap. Install this re-built and a janspeed exhaust at the same time, heat wrapped maybe ceramic painted, best I can afford induction kit, and boost valve. In you personal experience what are my chances of scraping through the MOT. (an im not sure on the boost valve, seems ill need to get an ECU remap, which is what i want in the long run, before the boost valve is useable without drinking loads of fuel, not sure about all this yet)
I know I ask a lot of questions, but I've just been on a thread, an forgive me I forget his/her name, who said fact is best to help things be clear etc, I'm the sort of person who likes clarity, especially when learning new skills.
Thanks a lot frank, I'm enjoying quizzing you lol
