im realy down i couldnt show my car off mayb next time
well done to everyone that won their prizes

well done to everyone that won their prizes
fraz_micra_88 said:look like a wet day there lol
scottish-sr said:think I will have to make this trip next year.
Layla said:got a spare room if you need a stop off point on the way back
Layla said:on second thoughts, you can share the shed...
fraz_micra_88 said:all get the matress off the bed b4 you go on it lol
Layla said:on second thoughts, you can share the shed
It's a superchargerpaddymarsden said:i know he is running it at 5 PSI and the turbo is off an MR2, nice n simple dump valve....fast
dont know much else
goldstar0011 said:2007 could be the year!
Will BEF live?
Will Kristian have a 2L widearch?
Will Dusk have a working 1.6?
Will Wilsonian have a highly modded SR?
Will BooBooshi have anything?
Will AndyS have his NOS?
Will J.a.kelly get that micra he wants?
Ems said:Well where shall i start lol!! My first JAE, and def one to remember!! It was nice to meet everyone i haven't met, your all spot on. Was a right laugh, esp the DD, altho Arnold nearly broke my neck on the first round!!! We'll def have to do that again next year but with more of us!!
The storm was very amusing, Arnold and i were just coming out of Tesco's when i said 'i have never seen a cloud formation like that b4!!', then the lightening started and the thunder rumbled!!! The wind then started to pick up very fast, there were leaves being ripped off the tree's and it was slightly worrying, esp as we were trying to get back for the tent!!! Arnold was fighting with the steering wheel at one point!!! Anyway we got back to the stand and realised there was no-one to be seen, and no gazebo!!! Seeing the state of the stand we drove straight down to where the tents were pitched. The next thing we knew, Arnold was shouting 'oh my god!!', as i said 'hat? realised our tent wasn't how it should have been, and Kev's was half up too. We jumped out the car thinking we could save it!!! But to no avail i'm afraid. One of the guy ropes had been torn off and the main hooks on the tent in 3 places had ripped off too. We remembered some of our stuff was still in it, inc 2 bag's of our clothes and our duvet and a few other things. Unfortunately for us these were all soaked, the only thing we could do was take the tent down fully, which was hard work in manic rain, and prevent it from getting worse. We dumped our soggy duvet in Welly's tent, which was standing proud :glare: along with the remains of our tent, then put everythin else in Arnolds car. After this i thought it was wrong to leave Kev's tent how it was, it was basicly a paddling pool by now!! I tried to bail the water out but couldn't lift it from the weight, so in the end i took the poles out on both corners that were collapsed, by this point Arnold was back from trying to save our other stuff, he helped be get the water off the fly sheet which by now was about 4 inches deep. Once the water was out we managed to put the poles back in and erect the rest of the tent, how it survived i don't know, and Kev, how the hell your stuff stayed dry i will wonder for life lol!! By this point we were both freezing, but had no clothes!!It's such a shame we didn't manage to get pic's of all this!!!
Oh and who put the 'L' plate on my car!!!!!!! It flew off on the way to Tesco's on Sun, dunno where it is now tho!!!
I'll leave anythin i've mised out for Arnold to fill in, and he also has some great pic's to share!!!
Roll on 2007!!!!!
RIK said:and the moral of the story is to buy a 10 manner and put all guy ropes on one side and play football whilst gazebos fly across the pitch
JAE is allways a laugh.
RIK said:we pitched ours on grass and mud across from ED.because were sensible![]()
paddymarsden said:lmao ems i didnt know u was trying to bail the water out !! i have some really funny video footage of james n manda shivering in the wet ! damn that was funny !
RIK said:you know where ed pithed his tent? well if you came out of his front door we was at the side of the field direcrlty oposite..next to the railings near the mazda stand with very nice promo girls with yellow tops on and the rolling road