It's "just" a Micra...

ive had mine for about 5-6years and touch would it hasnt broken down in all that time and it very rarely gets a service the last service was last march.its time for a service now like cos i dont want anything to go when its coming up to donny show.its cheap to run,insure and tax.i spend about £30 a week on petrol and thats doin 40miles a day on 17inch wheels.
my micra is perfect for what i want and i haven't found a better car so i will always own a micra.

the micra doesn't suit everyone but it's not my problem.

if i was rich i'd have an AC Cobra and a micra... so... i will always be a micra fan :)

maybe a ford galaxy if i ever get a family ;)
rlees85 said:
I own it as i brought it off my parents. When i first had it i was quite disappioned (coz of the stereotype and the fact its purple, kinda like zephyrs car). Wouldnt change it for anything now tho! Touch wood it aint broke down on me or gave me too much problems, and for a 1 litre it really goes! Put some 1.1/1.2 cars to shame infact :D

Pretty much what my reply would have been. LOVE my micra now.
It's Just A Micra Thing

I Think It's Great To See People Ask Genuine Questions And Posting Genuine Answers I Bought My First Micra 3-4 Years Ago As It Was The Car That I Learnt to dive in and as a nervous driver the Micra seemed the best car for me plus INSURANCE WAS A VERY IMPORTANT FACTOR Desperate To Keep Up With My Friends Who Mostly Owned Saxo's And The Like I Had Real Difficulty In Finding People That Wouldnt Laugh At Me When I Suggested That I Wanted To Moddify My Micra And Had 3-4 Years Of Hasstle Free Fun But Was Becoming Frustrated With Being Left In No Mans Land On The Middle Of The A3/m1 Beacuse Of The Lack Of Grunt So I Decided To Trade It In For A 160 Sr With Just Over 12,000 To Spend I Could Have Bought Any Of The Following
Mini One: To Common With Less Torque
Honda Civic Sport:not A Type R
Citreon C2 Vts: It's A Citreon
Or Did Concider Trying To Find Another Couple Of Thousand To Buy A Fiesta St: Its Still A Fiesta And After 3-years Would Only Be Worth 5,000
Clio Sport 182: Too Exspensive To Insure
So I Decided To Continue Flying The Micra Flag And What A Fantastic Car Especially With The Esp Turned Off I Dont Think There Are Many People That Will Find The 160sr Embarssing Or Funny When You Tear Off From The Lights Test Drive One And See If You Change Your Mind About Micra
Antsub said:
I Think It's Great To See People Ask Genuine Questions And Posting Genuine Answers I Bought My First Micra 3-4 Years Ago As It Was The Car That I Learnt to dive in and as a nervous driver the Micra seemed the best car for me plus INSURANCE WAS A VERY IMPORTANT FACTOR Desperate To Keep Up With My Friends Who Mostly Owned Saxo's And The Like I Had Real Difficulty In Finding People That Wouldnt Laugh At Me When I Suggested That I Wanted To Moddify My Micra And Had 3-4 Years Of Hasstle Free Fun But Was Becoming Frustrated With Being Left In No Mans Land On The Middle Of The A3/m1 Beacuse Of The Lack Of Grunt So I Decided To Trade It In For A 160 Sr With Just Over 12,000 To Spend I Could Have Bought Any Of The Following
Mini One: To Common With Less Torque
Honda Civic Sport:not A Type R
Citreon C2 Vts: It's A Citreon
Or Did Concider Trying To Find Another Couple Of Thousand To Buy A Fiesta St: Its Still A Fiesta And After 3-years Would Only Be Worth 5,000
Clio Sport 182: Too Exspensive To Insure
So I Decided To Continue Flying The Micra Flag And What A Fantastic Car Especially With The Esp Turned Off I Dont Think There Are Many People That Will Find The 160sr Embarssing Or Funny When You Tear Off From The Lights Test Drive One And See If You Change Your Mind About Micra

agree with that totally...even the new micras (160sr) are the best value for money car in its, quality...every micra nissan have built seems to be better than all its rivals
My K reg K11 that I have now is actually my second micra.

I got the first one in 1999 cos I needed a car to get to work so dad and I went along to my local trade centre just to have a look around, didn't have any particular kind of car in mind so I was pretty much looking at all sorts.

Dad saw the micra sitting and asked one of the staff for the keys but he couldn't find them and said it must have been sold, however about half hour later he came back with the keys in his hand (they'd fallen from the hook they should have been on) so we went off to look at it, it was a mint green 5 door 1.3LX on an N plate and had 59,000 on the clock. Dad didn't even test drive it, all he did was start the engine and he said straight away that I had to buy it. I had the car up until june 2003 so I drove it for 4 years and loved every minute of it. I sold it because early on in 2003 my current boyfriend moved in with me and my car was only getting used once every 2 weeks so we decided it wasn't practical to keep 2 cars (he had a mondeo)

Needless to say I didn't actually drive very much after I sold the micra cos I hated driving the mondeo.

Anyway the mondeo packed in just before christmas and we had to buy a new car so we went to a local guy who Jon's friends with knowing he wouldn't sell us anything bad and I saw the red SLX sitting which I have now and I told my boyfriend we had to buy it, he agreed cos he said I could choose the next car when I sold my first micra.

Jon never gets to drive now cos I love to drive everywhere. when the time comes for this one to go I definitely want another micra.
I got my K10 free, i've still got it because it still goes :D its cheap reliable and encomical, i've also got my 72 Toledo and am on the verge of buying a 78 mk2 Escort. Being insured on the micra means i get very cheap insurance on these other cars as 2nd cars. So having a micra make finacial seens to :D
Super S/ SR front bumper mate. My grill is an early pre facelift with the middle slats removed.
Im 30 too, and i got a K11 and a K13, i don't know but i really love those cars, i've always had a (or maybe two/three) micra(s) since i got 18.
For me its not "i cant afford a bigger car" its just the passion i have for this type of cars. I live in a big town, with some sort of parking problems, with my "bigger" car i never got a parking space.

That said, i've owned a S15, now i do own an S14 aside the micras.
i think the micras are pretty neat little cars.if anyones been following the 'project father and son' threads ive been contributing to theyll see what ive been doing to my sons k11.
for 1 thing,for a 1000cc puddle jumper it aint slow.and before anyone thinks im an old fart who doesnt take his zafira over 40mph then your dead wrong.that 5,500cc supercharged V8 merc in the thumbnail is my mode of transport.
secondly,micras respond well to modifying.lower it,bigger wheels etc and it transforms from a granny shopper into a sweet looking little it to other modded cars of that 106,saxo,corsa B etc and i think the micra looks way better.they also show a bit of imagination.where as the saxo looks in standard form like a boy-racers starter car til he loses his licence in 3 months time,the micra says the owner wants to be a bit different,and just a few properly fitted modifications really make the car stand out from the crowd.
from an old-timers point of view a modded 106 or saxo always looks to me like the owner drove through a ripspeed warehouse covered in glue.but from the micras ive saw on this site they always look smart and tasteful.only reservation is the amount of welding ive had to do to the car
I went out looking for a bit for one of our other cars.
Saw the Micra sat in the car park of the Scrap yard, the reg is X?? MEN so it caught my eye.
Had a chat with the scrappy and paid £200 for it, fixed it and MOTed it for another £141.
Its to teach the kids to drive in, but it takes me back, I had a Datsun Cherry, Sunny then a Stanza( what a fantastic car), I just like the simplex=city, the way it drives, the Father In Law had a K12 it was pants, this little old K11 drives well is good on fuel and easy to fix
Im 25, owned and driven a micra since i passed 8 year ago. With my plans im stuck here for another 3 years atleast!

your not allowed to leave, I don't plan on leaving micras anytime soon, if I do get another car itll be a primera or something, and ill keep the micra and boost it :L
Purchased my First Car, and my first Micra, on October 5th 2005 (I was 19)
It was a K10 1990, G-reg, light/silvery blue 1.0 "LS" £200... N/S wing mirror :eek:
No rear wiper
No electric...anything really :p
oh, and a switch on the dash to flick for the reverse light.

Second car, Second Micra April 1st 2006 (still 19)
K11 1997, P-reg, White, 1.0 "Shape" £500
...still no rear wiper
...and still no electric...anything ^_^
but I did have a wing mirror and a drivers airbag :D

Third car....Third Micra ;) December 2nd 2009 (I was 23)
K12 2005, 55-reg, White, 1.5 Dci(82) Sport+ (£4,400 + my K11)
...big change this one...Electric everything...including Power steering! LOL
rear wiper...finally! :rolleyes:
6 disc changer...ABS...EBD...PS...driver/passenger/side airbags...16" alloys...Spoiler...
and even cheaper to tax than either of the other two... (£30)

I don't know what I'd do without my Micra...other than cry....lots :p
...and I can't imagine, now, owning any other car than the ones I've had

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