Is there any body there??????

Unfortunately, none of your content has received any reactions yet. You'll need to keep posting!

Keep posting??? WTF for?
I know little about CVT's, and it seems this clubs membership know even less than I do! This being so it has garnered all the rest together. WHY?
I want a CVT box oil pump, Blank, I want absolutely any advice on the later torque converter CVT's, Blank, Someone with used parts or a scrap box perhaps? Blank. In all fairness this lot does not seem to be a lot of good to someone wanting to actually FIX a CVT box.
This one is in the blogs section mate

I mentioned the reason you might be struggling is that auto's don't sell well in the UK, and while they do sell well in America, the Americans don't buy a lot of tiny japanese mini-hatchbacks and so they don't put a lot of info out there. If you have an automatic chevrolet or something there would likely be a wealth of information out there on all the components of the transmission and detailed guides for doing a complete overhaul and hundreds of parts suppliers for the individual components. Another problem you could run into is that the information could be out there, but it could be in another language. I found a video on youtube of someone replacing the individual components inside of a distributor but it was in German and I don't speak German.

The membership of the club could be huge but they can't tell you what they don't know themselves. Your best bet is either to just replace the whole thing. There will be a box out there either a used one or a reconditioned one or maybe a part by a none-OEM manufactuer like Mikayo for example who make new parts for old cars with all the same specs (near enough). It's annoying but that's the problem with cars that the manufacturer has stopped building. If it isn't on a shelf in a warehouse somewhere or if there isn't enough demand out there for none-OEM parts then you're out of luck.

The only other thing I can think to try would be to import. I know that the Lada for example (a USSR/communist era car) is still built today brand new in Egypt. If the older micra's are still being built somewhere in the world, you could have parts imported.
It is ridiculous if I contact Nissan I have to jump through countless hoops only to get nothing back. There must be parts somewhere and I think that Nissan is the most promising potentia source if only I can get them on board. I am amazed at their recalcitrance in this, anyone would think that such longevity in what is a very basic car, would take pride of place in their sales pitch good second hand value increases new car sales and resale's.
It is ridiculous if I contact Nissan I have to jump through countless hoops only to get nothing back. There must be parts somewhere and I think that Nissan is the most promising potentia source if only I can get them on board. I am amazed at their recalcitrance in this, anyone would think that such longevity in what is a very basic car, would take pride of place in their sales pitch good second hand value increases new car sales and resale's.
if they had their way they'd press the kill switch on every nissan that is second-hand owned, and sell all their cars on a subscription model the same way apple sell their phones, microsoft sell their software, and tesla sell... well everything they make

Manufacturers are evil, everything made at slave-labour costs (all the striking in the 60's and 70's because Brits wouldn't put up with it) eventually made in countries with actual slaves, then they just send the parts over to be put together in the UK because it's cheaper to ship parts than to ship cars. Do everything they can to nickel and dime you out of your hard earned money making cheap modern sh*te that will fall apart and leave you with a headache.
So cutting a long story short
You are looking for what exactly
Because Ireland is full of auto cvt k11

And to be honest we f**kin
Hate auto
So cutting a long story short
You are looking for what exactly
Because Ireland is full of auto cvt k11

And to be honest we f**kin
Hate auto
A gear box oil pump, I reckon, after several coats of sump off looking up at it the problem is most likely low oil pressure/volume delivery, a complete working box would be good if the price is right and shipping not too big a problem. I could go to a manual box but as I'm over 70 I am sticking to my stubborn old git rights and holding out until I either fix it or scrap it.
Nissan is no good at all, you might think that a car with this longevity would be a selling point for all that comes after as it increases resale values and in turn new sales.
Thanks for your reply
Rob Youel
A gear box oil pump, I reckon, after several coats of sump off looking up at it the problem is most likely low oil pressure/volume delivery, a complete working box would be good if the price is right and shipping not too big a problem. I could go to a manual box but as I'm over 70 I am sticking to my stubborn old git rights and holding out until I either fix it or scrap it.
Nissan is no good at all, you might think that a car with this longevity would be a selling point for all that comes after as it increases resale values and in turn new sales.
Thanks for your reply
Rob Youel
I agree with you 100% on the parts resale issue
A lot of parts should become more accessible,it’s a pitty,and what’s even more a pitty I had a friend who has just scrapped two automatic k11 march
I could of had exactly what U were looking for mate
Even I was angry at him for scrapping them
Have you thought about leaving your details at scrapyards and asking them to call you if an automatic k11 comes in, Rob?

That might be the way to go. At the moment they might see little demand from people for parts for automatics and just throw them in the crusher, if they have a card in the office saying that you're willing to pay X amount for it you'll be able to keep your car going a while longer yet
Have you thought about leaving your details at scrapyards and asking them to call you if an automatic k11 comes in, Rob?

That might be the way to go. At the moment they might see little demand from people for parts for automatics and just throw them in the crusher, if they have a card in the office saying that you're willing to pay X amount for it you'll be able to keep your car going a while longer yet
I’m not an auto fan myself actually hate auto
Manual all they way for me
But I see ur point
I’m not an auto fan myself actually hate auto
Manual all they way for me
But I see ur point
I like to try to keep a steady speed in a manual and glide up to traffic lights rather than do the accelerate-then-brake thing most people tend to do when the road isn't wide open or there are red lights, so traffic isn't so bad for me. and motorway traffic when everybody is crawling along at 10-30mph isn't bad either. People behind me get frustrated sometimes but if everyone tried to keep a steady speed then the traffic would be a lot less frustrating since you're not constantly having to look for brake lights and the risk of a pile-up is less if someone brakes sharply. So for me there's no real advantage to an automatic over a manual since I don't change gears all that often anyway

The only time I can really see the benefits of an auto is when the traffic is stationary while commuting and you're constantly having to feather out the clutch in 1st gear for maybe 10 seconds of movement and then back to clutch in and neutral. Auto really comes into it's own then you can just cover brake and let it do it's thing.
I quickly came to love my automatic with column shifter five litre V8 Buick Electra Park Avenue company car, in the Saudi Arabia traffic jams, some thirty five years ago in my heyday.

A proper heavy full size car with fab wire wheels & note the tacky 80s vinyl roof.


This was when climate change was for academics only, before it became common knowledge & just another thing to be dumped onto & for ordinary mortals to pay for & worry about. :)
Wow! that Buick is something else!

As we like it, Buick Electra Park Avenue was equipped with a proper original GM Borg-Warner torque converter automatic with column shifter that is good for 300K miles.

The lazy V8 was designed to run on unleaded with dual catalytic convertors some three decades before the UK & Europe got the exhaust fumes PM2.5 pollution climate change diesel message.

I liked the car so much that I seriously considered shipping it home at the time, before I came to my senses & realised it was great in the wide open spaces of Saudi-Arabia with cheap gas fill ups at £5 a time, but not so smart in the UK with its gas prices & parking issues?

A young man’s dreams at the time, brought back to earth by sky high rip off prices in the UK?
I thank you all for your input and reminiscences but I am still no nearer getting an oil pump! Haynes book is useless, Nissan are oddly quiet for a company so allegedly proud of its "heritage". They referred me to a parts suplier that did not do the parts. My next shot is Nissan Japan, this is a good little car that any company should be proud to have made, not big, not expensive, seemingly able to go on forever, and nice to drive, and I am over 6 foot.
So why have Nissan seemingly decided it no longer exists? I would be proud to have made it and support its continuing showing on roads around the world this being the best of all possible advertisements for Nissan cars.
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