CVT Airbox cover on a manual car - Advice please?


Recently I came across an air filter box cover for the Micra. I notice the difference between the air box cover on my manual Micra and the CVT (auto) Micra is the CVT air box cover has a small add-on to it. This is what the cover on an air filter box on the CVT Micra looks like:


Here is a normal cover for a manual transmission car:

As you can probably see, the air filter box cover in the first picture has a small added-on bit to it. Anyone know what its for? And would it make any difference fitting it to a manual car? I can't honestly see how it would.


Sterling - The Rover kind...
Yup. mine has it as well. Had a good look, its a solid chamber, one way in and out. Does not seem to serve any purpose!
but probably does, in a very miniscule way - strange one.
Cheers lads. I might just wang it on and see what happens. I can't see it making much, if any difference, but its whats there so I'll use it.
Sulla mia CGA3DE, quel coperchio CVT + filtro aria K&N + taglio della parte iniziale del tubo risuonatore originale (così ci sono 2 tubi aperti da dove aspira aira), ha dato ottimi risultati soprattutto ai medi e alti regimi. La micra è più pronta e reattiva ai comandi dell'acceleratore e meno soffocata in alto fino al limitatore. Lo consiglio.