Alright, so let me see if I can explain my thought process.
It first started when I was procrastinating at work. I was thinking about how I was flogging my little super turbo on the super hot day yesterday. It was all first, second and third gear flogging too, so there wasn't a whole lot of airflow going on, but there was a lot of boost getting thrown around. Then I remembered that my buddies STI Spec C had a factory built in intercooler sprayer. Then to procrastinate even more I read a lot. I started thinking that an intercooler sprayer and a radiator sprayer that activates at wide open throttle could do quite a lot to keep temps in check on hot days. This would (theoretically) allow me to flog it on hot days and be able to shelf that niggling little voice in my head that keep screaming "heat soak".
So I got to thinking. I don't want it to activate and just dump water all over the intercooler non-stop. That doesn't give the water any time to evaporate and pull the heat out of the intercooler (or so I've read). But, more importantly, I'm lazy and hate refilling things, so I wanted to find a way to make the bottle last longer while still being effective.
No here's where I always mess up, when I get excited about designing something I like to pretend I'm an engineer and that I have a clue what I'm doing (which I'm not and I clearly do not, haha). That didn't stop me from drawing pictures, haha.
First thing first, yes that is a pink bunny pillow, it's awesome. Second, let me explain. My thoughts are if I can have it trigger on whenever I hit WOT (still contemplating whether to switch this to a pressure trigger set for 10 psi or something) I want the pump to cycle on for 2 seconds then off for 2 seconds. Best way to achieve this is through a 555 timer. I just picked some values for resistors and the caps but that will all change depending on what I can get my hands on, at any rate, there's enough flexibility in the design that no matter what caps I get I can work with the resistors to get the timing right. So, +12 comes out of the battery, hits the master kill switch so I can turn the whole system off 99% of the time. Next it hits either the wot switch or an override switch. The override switch is so I can turn it on get some spray happening without having to hammer the throttle. Then it hits the 555 timer circuit and cycles the relay on and off at 2 second intervals.
For the pump I'll pull from the washer tank and run black vacuum hoses so they'll practically disappear in the sea of vacuum hoses under the hood. I'll also run an in0line pump hidden somewhere. My idea s to hide it all well enough that aside from two discreet switches inside you wouldn't have a clue that I've tampered with anything.
I'm not completely sold on this idea yet and still not entirely sure how much it will help. Also, I've heard some people say that using washer fluid is tops cause it wont freeze and has slight traces of ethanol in it that evaporates nice and fast. I've also heard people say that that is stupid. At any rate, regardless of if I even ever build this or not, I got some quality procrastination in today, so win all around!
So, hit me guys. What do you think? Worth it, waste of time? Cool? Lame? Where can you get you a pink bunny pillow?
It first started when I was procrastinating at work. I was thinking about how I was flogging my little super turbo on the super hot day yesterday. It was all first, second and third gear flogging too, so there wasn't a whole lot of airflow going on, but there was a lot of boost getting thrown around. Then I remembered that my buddies STI Spec C had a factory built in intercooler sprayer. Then to procrastinate even more I read a lot. I started thinking that an intercooler sprayer and a radiator sprayer that activates at wide open throttle could do quite a lot to keep temps in check on hot days. This would (theoretically) allow me to flog it on hot days and be able to shelf that niggling little voice in my head that keep screaming "heat soak".
So I got to thinking. I don't want it to activate and just dump water all over the intercooler non-stop. That doesn't give the water any time to evaporate and pull the heat out of the intercooler (or so I've read). But, more importantly, I'm lazy and hate refilling things, so I wanted to find a way to make the bottle last longer while still being effective.
No here's where I always mess up, when I get excited about designing something I like to pretend I'm an engineer and that I have a clue what I'm doing (which I'm not and I clearly do not, haha). That didn't stop me from drawing pictures, haha.

First thing first, yes that is a pink bunny pillow, it's awesome. Second, let me explain. My thoughts are if I can have it trigger on whenever I hit WOT (still contemplating whether to switch this to a pressure trigger set for 10 psi or something) I want the pump to cycle on for 2 seconds then off for 2 seconds. Best way to achieve this is through a 555 timer. I just picked some values for resistors and the caps but that will all change depending on what I can get my hands on, at any rate, there's enough flexibility in the design that no matter what caps I get I can work with the resistors to get the timing right. So, +12 comes out of the battery, hits the master kill switch so I can turn the whole system off 99% of the time. Next it hits either the wot switch or an override switch. The override switch is so I can turn it on get some spray happening without having to hammer the throttle. Then it hits the 555 timer circuit and cycles the relay on and off at 2 second intervals.
For the pump I'll pull from the washer tank and run black vacuum hoses so they'll practically disappear in the sea of vacuum hoses under the hood. I'll also run an in0line pump hidden somewhere. My idea s to hide it all well enough that aside from two discreet switches inside you wouldn't have a clue that I've tampered with anything.
I'm not completely sold on this idea yet and still not entirely sure how much it will help. Also, I've heard some people say that using washer fluid is tops cause it wont freeze and has slight traces of ethanol in it that evaporates nice and fast. I've also heard people say that that is stupid. At any rate, regardless of if I even ever build this or not, I got some quality procrastination in today, so win all around!
So, hit me guys. What do you think? Worth it, waste of time? Cool? Lame? Where can you get you a pink bunny pillow?