Im Back and so is my Super S K10!


Luke Davis

Hi There,

for those of you that remember me (my username used to be Mcmitten and k10 super 1.2) hi again, i wasa die hard member of the micra sports club for 3 years. I left a while ago due to buying a Seat Ibiza 16v GTI.

I still have the SEAT, but my bro has just sold my old k10 Super S back to me for the pricely sum of 150 quid!

It needs some new alloys as he had them off it, and two new front wings but all of this should be done in the next few weeks. She is black and is a real beauty, in fact Mark off this forums owned her before me.

Hopefully i will be coming to the next meet at santapod and will be signed up as a full member once she is back on the road.

And a special hello to Ed, Kev and all of the older members that i have known for so long. Hope to see you all soon (in the micra, of course!)

Heres the car with the old alloys on - still in the same good nick though!

Welcome back to the MSC mate!!! :D Nice to see you back. What made you buy the micra again then?? Looking forward to seeing the plans you have for it. :)
Nah, his k10 turbo was a project which didn't go to plan. He sold the stuff to me but I never got round to it getting it fitted, and I sold it on. Would be kool if he tried it again though. ;)

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