howdy all...

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bought meself a '94 Micra "Wave" today so thought i'd better sign up and see whats what.....
hi and welcome to the club :) enjoy your stay here ;)

dod you have any pics of the car?
Layla said:
you're a fool :p saying that my boss wants to call her baby "jovi" after good ol' jon... Jovi Gardner. Sexual


lol its of family guy, when peter is trying to be posh
Layla said:
you're a fool :p saying that my boss wants to call her baby "jovi" after good ol' jon... Jovi Gardner. Sexual


only u cud turn a welcome thread into a conversation about your boss baby :p
welcome fresh... before you make yourself welcome have you passed the initiation????

basically get in touch with local members and go to a meet, their you can make friends but only after you buy everyone kfc bucket and then wash all cars in your boxers...

once you,ve done that you'll be elevated to a Grade C-, all other info is G14 classfied...

mean micra said:
welcome fresh... before you make yourself welcome have you passed the initiation????

basically get in touch with local members and go to a meet, their you can make friends but only after you buy everyone kfc bucket and then wash all cars in your boxers...

once you,ve done that you'll be elevated to a Grade C-, all other info is G14 classfied...

what hes trying to say is "hello, welcome, hope the site is useful to you"

unfortunately, he seems to have forgotten his medication

The Wave's are a good model - I had one for 3 years. nippy little one Ltr that look like LX's but with colour coding at no extra cost :D

where about are you from?

Me and Goldstar are the NW organisers if your from this area :)
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