hopes, thoughts and prayers go out..


Ex. Club Member
to my girfriend rachel's mam.

just heard she has been in a car accident on the A19

(ANYONE with any information for me would be amazing, as not much is know)
and since im stuck in work at the moment and so is rachel all we know upo to now is that she has been i the accident and that there honda civic is totalled :S

so thus i hope everything turns out ok. and she s safe and well

but the major concern was to ask if any one knows of any updates as to what has happened??

or if any one has the time to check local news or sumthing for me. stockton/middlesbrough area on the A19

cheers all
yeah just checked the bbc website and nothing on there.

so hopefully measn that it isnt anything major.

means though im gonan get my stuff sortde and be walkign out of here in the next hour or so sod working right through till near 9
just checked teletex hun and theres nothing about it on there so hopefully it wont b bad.

thoughts go out to u n rach tho thats quite a scare... can rach not get outa work??
no he cant as of yet. as they were understaffed to start with and she running the thing at the moment, which is rank but..
ok well firstly thnks to all for the support and concern etc.
and secondly i would like to say
thankfully that everything is ok. she hasnt come out to bad
just bad neck and sore back etc. and is staying in hosp for tonight incase anytinh with it being neck and back. BUT nothing major wrong. worst thing is i guess is that the civic is a write off o_O

but from me and rachel thanks to all.

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