home built 125cc trike

right this will take some explaining..... for my tech course for GCSE i made a trike using a moped rear end (50cc) and then custom centre and using steering from an old persons mobility scooter.... the engine didnt last long and sat in my garden for a long time...

then i had to do a project in my second year of national certificate and with a low budget i set about and re-designed the trike using a 125cc engine which had done 18k from a written off bike for £150....

i fitted this engine into the existing frame and got it all running perfectly and ran really well, i then cut off the whole centre of the chassis and redesigned it for strength, weight and stability which has been improved and has all been welded properly.

i then took the existing steering system and made the overall track wider by about 3x the original with custom made track rods etc also took the mobility wheels and scrapped them and pressed out two scooter axels from the local bike breakers using bike wheels and im sorry they are odd... also of time and work has gone into this project but it has to go as i need some money and its taking up too much space also has fully operation rear break, starts well and an amazing sound to it with a custom back box as original was rusted through......

the engine is a 4 stroke 125cc 18k engine runs well and the whole project has alot of room for improvement and redesign work with the cababilities of having front suspension, breaks etc... below are pictures of the orignial project and some work in progress there are some bits that will be available with it but not alot....

i am after around £150 for the lot open to offers and can deliver at a reasonable distance but i am open to offers on the price


















as ive said its fun to ride and is very fast but have no space as i said offers just want it gone!
Haha that looks quite fun, and your not far from my workshop lol...
looks a bit like my "mopacycle" i made:


that was also fun until it rusted to death in the garden
May i just ask why you opted for two wheel steering at the front? instead of the usual traditional trike?
Not interested in buying just curious of why you chose to design it that way. looks good though (Y)
umn well i was going to make it a 4 wheeled running a gear from the rear wheel mounts and create a rear axel with some mini wheels or whatever..... but i run out of time so only got done what you see there is plenty of room for improvement i may try and get a video of it running.... spits flames an all is awesome but need it gone sadly :( if i had the space id finish it!