His and Her's (Car Pic's)



Ok, been on here alittle while, dont technally own a Micra but the missis does so thats ok - I guess hehehehe

Been asking a few questions on here and just like to thank the people that have answered them - tarr very much.

Rite just thought I post a few pic's of my car and the missis's car - dont really expect ver good comments from my car as its a Citroen Saxo (ducks for cover) but I posted the same pic's of the missis's car on my Saxo Forum and it got some nice feed back (for a car with hub caps).

So here's the pics and some info for your veiwing pleasure - all comments welcome :laugh:


Citroen Saxo VTS 1.6 16v
Janspeed 4-2-1 Manifold, Janspeed Sports Cat, Straight through centre section with Janspeed 3' Back Box, Green enclosed induction kit, Black Diamond Clutch, B&M Quickshift, Stripped rear interior, Smoked Headlights and Rear tail lights, RS-R spoiler and Dimma Grill.


The exhaust system is being changed this week as my Janspeed 4-2-1 is cracked so a Piper 4-1 and custom back box in the style of a Group N exhaust with 2' tailpipe is being fitted, also full suspension kit with lower strut brace, poly bushes and Group A 25mm rear anti roll bar are waiting to be fitted.

And the Missis K12 1.2 SE, GunMetal Hubcaps and Pink Fluff Dice are the only mods here but her warrenty is ending soon and her first non Nissan service is coming up so I'll chuck in a K&N and some decent Plugs for her upcoming service. Also We both fancy the Nismo rear roof spoiler so I'll probally pick her up that as well.


Like I said comments welcome - good and bad
iam not a big fan of saxos, but that looks tidy. imo it just wants colour coding then it will look sweet! keep the micra looking standrad, with some hiddedn mods. it would be a cool street sleeper then :)
Take the spoiler off on the Saxo - nice cars thou :)

hehehe - Yer the spoiler was a mistake and I get loads of stick on my forum as at the moment alot of Saxo owners (on our forum anyway) are really euro theme minded or out and out stripped Rally Slag style, so my car with its 'Shopping Trolly' spoiler gets a rib or two but thats ok
i like the spoiler, its diffrent and it suits the car nicely imo! it will look even better once the car is lowered.


The cars gona be dropped 35mm.

IMO 30mm-40mm is just right, any lower and the ride and handling will start to suffer.

Gona try and get it on a rolling road during the summer, reckon I should be pushing 130bhp maybe 135bhp if I cleaned the filter and got a decent set of plugs in it. They put out 120bhp as standard so extra 10bhp-15bhp from breathering mods and a 4branch manifold aint to bad
sorry but i hate saxos lol, IMO there made very poorly and cheaply and have horrid ABS plastic interiors lol sorry, likein the K12 tho :slm:
k12s run alot better with the nissan platiniums plugs in btw

nissan state 2 plugs for the k12, normal type and platiniums, if i had a k12 id use the plats

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