Hi what should I look out for on a Super Turbo / what are they like to source parts

Hi all I'm new here

Going to see a Super Turbo in a few weeks it wants work and the engine frightens me to death running Turbo and Super charger its sort of a runner but still has jobs to do,

I've had alsorts of cars in the past including an ST205 GT4 and EG6 SIR2 I haven't owned anything JDM since 2013 and I've mostly had sensible cars since those days, but now like everyone else that was at school when Gran Turismo came out all those years ago at 34 years old I'm feeling the need for JDM Nostalgia and I'm a big fan of mighty car mods and nothing feels as special as a Japanese import and through good bad timing ive got the opportunity where i can buy this one and its always been on my list of cars to own.

How much of a nightmare can these things be? the one I'm looking at if it's a good base I'm considering a usable restoration over a few years long as everything adds up and the shells good but 2 things concern me

Maintaining them trying to find parts is relatively hard as I don't know what they use things like brake pads and oil filters even Marty struggled finding an oil filter and then we come down to the Turbo and supercharger.

What do I look out for any help would be highly appreciated

Hi all I'm new here

Going to see a Super Turbo in a few weeks it wants work and the engine frightens me to death running Turbo and Super charger its sort of a runner but still has jobs to do,

I've had alsorts of cars in the past including an ST205 GT4 and EG6 SIR2 I haven't owned anything JDM since 2013 and I've mostly had sensible cars since those days, but now like everyone else that was at school when Gran Turismo came out all those years ago at 34 years old I'm feeling the need for JDM Nostalgia and I'm a big fan of mighty car mods and nothing feels as special as a Japanese import and through good bad timing ive got the opportunity where i can buy this one and its always been on my list of cars to own.

How much of a nightmare can these things be? the one I'm looking at if it's a good base I'm considering a usable restoration over a few years long as everything adds up and the shells good but 2 things concern me

Maintaining them trying to find parts is relatively hard as I don't know what they use things like brake pads and oil filters even Marty struggled finding an oil filter and then we come down to the Turbo and supercharger.

What do I look out for any help would be highly appreciated

Lots of the wear parts seem to be available (oil filter, brake pads, etc.) It shares most of its components with the K10 and its variants. Once you get into the weird parts like the induction system you're going to be boned. Any of the unique internal engine parts simply do not exist (rings, pistons etc.). I ended up buying a lot of parts through the Figaro shop since they have good stock and lots of the parts are the same. In my experience and the fact that mine still doesn't run should be evidence that it's a tricky car to get operating properly. Good luck.

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