Hey guys, long time member returning K11_Dave

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Hey guys, just wondering if all the same people were here from a couple of years back. I used to have a K11 micra and was hoping that someone on here bought it off me on eBay. Was registration P688PUY, with Koni shocks an springs, totally stripped. Am trying to track down the new owner to see how work was going on it!

Any other guys like Gary and Danni still kicking around on here?
i remember you...

flush boot with modded reg plate
Fiesta Mk4 splitter on rear which you smashed
Lester or Postert front kit (i think)
I'm still on here sometimes, no longer in a Micra though.

get me on MSN on you still on there, goldstar0011(at)hotmail.com
Alright man - yea i'm still on here but likewise don't have a K11 no more.

Hows tricks?
haha, i however do still have a k11..lol
im sure you left after about a month after i joined..lol
Am glad few of you guys are on here still! Anyone heard or seen anything of my ex motor?
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