Help with reverse lights. No working.

Hi folks, Car test failed. Reason, no reverse lights. Brought over to garage, they said switch has to be changed, but when they tried, they said, eventually there is problem in gearbox, as switch doesnt engages , when in reverse gear, so they advise change gearbox.... . Is it just trying rip off me, or it is common problem for k11 micras ? 1.l., petrol, '97.

members have has oil leak problems after trying to fit another switch onto those g/box,s mate (its a big round plastic switch/fitting)
i would fit a manual switch or mount a microswitch on the gearstick personally
members have has oil leak problems after trying to fit another switch onto those g/box,s mate (its a big round plastic switch/fitting)
i would fit a manual switch or mount a microswitch on the gearstick personally
Any guides how to do it? Switch on gearstick sound plausible, any advice how and where to fit it?
imo check the switch is working first (unplug from loom, multimeter across the 2-pin connector, toggle reverse gear on/off, does resistance go on/off?)

then check if the loom circuit is working (unplug sensor, IGN on, short the 2-pin connector of the loom to simulate a closed switch, check if reverse light is receiving 12v and lit)
My reverse light also don't work!! I know its the switch as I've done the tests, when I jump the 2 wires going to the switch my reverse light comes on!! Have thought of fitting a manual switch somewhere and also have thought of a micro switch as when you pit it in reverse it will engage for the reverse llights to come on!! Now if anyone has carried out a microswitch reverse lights that would be great if they could post up a simple diagrm of how the bracket is made or designed!

Hi folks, stripped wire under gearbox, and there is 4 wires, i think thats right wires, as there is only one plug in gearbox, and four wires goes out. there is black , black with blue, black with yellow and black with white. i followed to connecter, behind engine, and it plugs in connector with red, green yellow and black wires. which wires to join to see if power to light getting delivered.

black with yellow has 12 v. so what is the rest wires for ?

ok, never mind, after blowing fuse (idle) twice, i figured out, reverse light wires are black/yellow and black/white.

Just need to find out, how to make switch .. probably diy one to switch reverse light.
My reverse light also don't work!! I know its the switch as I've done the tests, when I jump the 2 wires going to the switch my reverse light comes on!! Have thought of fitting a manual switch somewhere and also have thought of a micro switch as when you pit it in reverse it will engage for the reverse llights to come on!! Now if anyone has carried out a microswitch reverse lights that would be great if they could post up a simple diagrm of how the bracket is made or designed!


I had a manual switch on the dash in my it had this same fault...
was located on the flat bit to the left of the steering wheel
the previous owner hooked it up, so I can't help with fitting but it can be done ;)

When we picked the car up it literally had a wall light switch plumbed into the dash, my dad swapped it for one of those little flicky switches this one...only red :p

ETA: just remember to switch it off again when you set off LOL
you soon get into the habit of flicking in on and off fact when I first got my K11 it took me about 3 weeks to stop reaching down to turn it on and off ^_^
I had a manual switch on the dash in my it had this same fault...
was located on the flat bit to the left of the steering wheel
the previous owner hooked it up, so I can't help with fitting but it can be done ;)

When we picked the car up it literally had a wall light switch plumbed into the dash, my dad swapped it for one of those little flicky switches this one...only red :p

ETA: just remember to switch it off again when you set off LOL
you soon get into the habit of flicking in on and off fact when I first got my K11 it took me about 3 weeks to stop reaching down to turn it on and off ^_^

Would it be ok for manual reverse light switch for tests ?? would not it be on and off automatically when switch in reverse gear ??
SO, some updates here, went shopping to maplin ,

switch itself -


with wires attached:


.... and then i just attached it with cable ties to the side of gearstick tunnel, on metal plate , which holds gearstick gator ... that plate is very soft metal, so with pliers could adjust any angle to make that paddle catch gearstick connection bolt only in reverse position.

rest of pictures -





thats it.

dont know how long it will be working, but should be enough to pass car test :D
125v 3a... I fear that switch may melt on your 12v circuit. Cant remember the calculation but 0.3a is popping into my head as what that's capable of.
Dont mean to complicate it for you or be awkward just dont want you having an electrical fire. Other than that fantastic work :)
Pretty sure it changes through voltage. I may be wrong but that what I was taught
A lower voltage produces a higher current.

I haven't anything to physically test :/

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