HELP!!!! Lights and noise


Ex. Club Member
When the ignition is off the oil light and the handbrake light flash. When the engine is running there is a crackle sound from the footwell. Is this due to the water I drove through yesterday? Am I right in thinking the lights mean low brake fluid?

if you have a look in your haynes wiring diag,s (p 260 in mine, but mine,s older than god)
the alternator is interconnected to those telltale lights (diode ?)
poss water ingress ?
If the brake fluid is low, or brake pads are worn, the warning light can come on - not the oil one though! Maybe with your recent brake work, something's not been put back on correctly or fluid topped up.
I didn't check the brake fluid when I changed them come to think of it. However they were fine for a couple of days after, it has just happened this morning.
I was thinking a leak too, maybe when I moved the caliper out the way I split the hose. I'll get someone to jump on the brake pedal while I stick some paper around the hose to check for leaks.

Right sorted, and by sorted I mean there is still a problem. I took the battery cable off and reconnected it. The lights haven't come back on. My guess is there was a stuck relay somewhere, causing the crackle sound.
k10s have a brake warning light?!? :upside:

yes, the handbrake warning light will come on if the brake fluid is low....but mine doesnt have any wiring in the brake pads though...

if fluid is leaking the fight will flickewr to begin with corners braking etc....and will then come on permenantly eventually
Well that's just one reason for the light to come on. Doesn't explain the oil light though, and the crackling either!
The lights are off at the moment, after every drive they come on after about 5 mins then go off again so I'm guessing water. I'll pop the alternator off and see if the lights go out.
k10s have a brake warning light?!? :upside:

no they dont, the only waring light is the oil pressure, handbrake and battery. There is no way the brake fluid being low would activate a light on the dash as the is no sensor in the brake fluid resivoir to do this.
self destruction- it blows your brakes at high speed. :p

haynes manual?? im still at work so i can't see one lol
I have 2 wires going to my reservoir on the master cylinder, so what's that for?

really? i'll check that out later then i dont remember seeing anywires last time a removed a master cylinder, although it was from a pre facelift..... hmmm
Yes it does speed. Blimey, something about the k10 you don't know! :p I've experienced it first hand, and i recall a couple of others posting up about it.
well having never let my brakes get into bad condition i would know then :p fancy that! the k10 is more advanced than i thought lol
yeah TRUE, I had a flickering light one time and thought it was the sprung contact on the hadbrake had come loose or un-bent....turned out I had a rear beake cylinder leek and the fluid was getting low causing the handbrake light to flicker..

I was also AMAIZED that the K10 had this feature!!

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