Help!!! I Think It's Maybe Scrap!!!



Basically my wife's 1997 Micra 1.0 is having a few problems at the moment, if you can help please advise as needing it working again ASAP!

Story goes that last week she climbed in and found a puddle of water in the passenger footwell, had blue antifreeze in it, so assumed the hose to the heater or the heater mtrix had burst. The car would start and then stop as the immobiliser cut in sent it up to the garage today result is -

needs a new heater matrix = £388+VAT

needs a new ECM as the coolant leak has damaged it = £555+VAT

labour for the above = £388+VAT

Clearly I'm not going to spend £1000+ as the car is not worth that, problem being the wife loves it and more importantly needs it for work etc, no car is causing chaos:down:

I'm hoping that it's possible to buy a second hand ECU and matrix from the scrappies.I'm able to remove and refit it, if this would work but have concerns that due to key codes etc it's not possible to easily/directly replace the ECU???

Can the ECU have the code re-programmed to our key set by the local garage if I get a second hand one?

Is it better to buy a ECU + key = Ignition lock etc and retrofit if available?

Is there any aftermarket diagnosis system that I can buy to read fault codes from ECU if the thing ever gets working again?

Seems a pity to scrap what is effectivley a nice clean non-rusty car becuase of one component and it's high cost, but if not replaceable I personnaly would rather put the money into a new Volkswagen or Audi (my own preferred brands:laugh:))

Guys any help would be appreciated to get the wife smiling again, thanks -
Quote Beachboy
you can divide those item prices by 100, if you find a cheap scrappy.

I figure that scrap parts will be cheap enough, just concerned "mainly" about the point if ECM is programmable to our key sets, the garage is shut but being a dealers you never get to speak to the mechanic, I prefer to take my own car to non-franchise so get direct contact with person working on the vehicle.

"If" it's possible and anyone has ECU for sale - please post!

Small side note has anyone put nitrous on K11????grr as find 0-60mph and roll ons to slow for quick overtaking on bendy A roads about here, I have a spare kit and always been wondering what it would be like, can't say the wife is keen but am sure I can convert her.

Thanks to BB
if you can find an NON-NATS ecu - aim for 93(k-reg) to 95 (n-reg) micras really for that you can plug that in, then it will work fine.

The only downside of this is that your NATS wont work, and you can copy your key and start it without the transponder in the key..
im sure nissan can code the ecu to your keys or keys to ecu,,,i think "manton" (not a msc user anymore) had a kit but never got it fitted,so he had the plans/idea to do it so i dont see why you shouldnt
you cna get replacement ecm (ecu its known as) reprogrammed to your keys or vice versa it is. they need the chassis number of the donor micra. or you may find an ecu from a non imbolisier micra (pre 96)will plug and play, although you wont have an imobiliser then. nitrous you could try. but dropping in a 1.3 block is worth it.
Thanks for the reply guys! always interested in any option. I'm not concerned about the lack of immoibliser if able to use the earlier ECM, only question this raises - the wife asks if this means that the radio won't work? Either way it's worth a try if unable to source a later one.

Thanks for the point about the doners chassis number!!! I'm sure I would'nt normally record this. BB I may get back to you, how much for ECM including first class postage? Do you have Paypal etc to speed things along? I'll ring a few yards tomorrow and see whats available locally.

Due to the road tax incentive's the wife wanted a litre car:suspect: personnaly the 1300cc would have been better, a turbo kit and some N2O would have made a great little street sleeper :devil: throw in my gray hair, a flat "bonnet" and I'm sure I would laugh heartily every day:laugh:

On a side note the hire car is the new micra, have to say it drives well and IMO handle corners a lot better just needs a bit more urgency!!!!

Agains thanks to all keep them coming.

I suppose it would be sensible while I'm here to see if anyone has a 1997 heater matrix spare and for sale :eek:

kev_mono72 said:
Another reason to become an official member, to say thanks for the £100's you just saved!

Lets hope the problem gets solved first!! The prices nissan charge are rediculous.
Craig I have sent you a personnal message , unsure if will be able to receive reply as advises I have reached my message limit??? Maybe limited member status.
As you are not official member I dunno if you can recieve the reply, gimme 2 secs to read it :)
I offered first :p
Quote KevMono
Another reason to become an official member, to say thanks for the £100's you just saved!

As Arnold say's the problem is not solved yet and I would try a second hand ecu in any case, just trying to suss the lie of the land from "those that know", please bear in mind this is the wifes car!

No harm in trying to raise membership though.:laugh: In saying that I had a quick look at your spec's listed, how fast can you make one of these go? What is the max Bhp one can make on standard factory parts, rods and pistons etc before breakage?

Curious if any models were Turbocharged as standard - forged pistons etc which would be nice if putting the squeeze on it:devil:if I do put some N2O on it for a laugh, I'll be sure to post the gory details here only as thanks. :slm:

Bear in mind I know nothing about Micra's :eek:

Anyway I see a turbo thread below somewhere, so have to read that and see what ideas it gives - but N2O is quick and easy horses.
I think my member status may be the problem there was a message from Craig but none from BeachBoy (he did offer first!) so no fighting please:laugh:

I should be able to recieve forum mail on my Yahoo account if you want to try that BB, either way, depending on scrappies one of you may be getting my money, thanks for all advice and past and present offers keep them coming.

i offered ecu 1st but craig offered matrix 1st. but anyway i will give you prices. whats your email address?
Quote BB
i offered ecu 1st but craig offered matrix 1st

My Bad!! Your right!!

Anyone wanting to mail me should be able to do so through the e-mail button on each post the account should be set up.

Progress of sorts today, getting conflicting information from dealers etc. The dealers in the next town over seems prepared to try and reprogram a second hand replacement ECU whereas all other just will not do it, they advise that the replacment ECU "must" have the same part number as the existing if this is to have any possability of working and there are no guarentee's.

I can't find any ECU locally with same part number and keys, so if any body has one spare with keys and the part number 23710-1U-100 or 101 this would be the quick solution.

After checking 8-10 cars found a P reg 16V 1.0 micra in the local yard, the ECU has Part No- 100 the same as the original so will try to reprogram it, but am preparing for the worst case scenario. I also pulled a heater matrix from the scrapper and all I got to say is what a pig of a job to pull out all the dashboard etc, etc to get at it, maybe there there's an easier way:laugh:

Cost so far = Matrix £10, ECU with no keys £20. I think I'll soon find out if this has a programmable chip or burned in such a way that it can't be re-done.

There was one thing I'm strugglin with as regards the ECU from the scrapper, I could not find any chassis number?

Checked the usual places but nothing obvious there, where are these usually located ona two door Micra???

Figure If I have the chassis number I can maybe have two keys ordered to match the replacment ECU?

InAJam said:
Quote KevMono
Another reason to become an official member, to say thanks for the £100's you just saved!

As Arnold say's the problem is not solved yet and I would try a second hand ecu in any case, just trying to suss the lie of the land from "those that know", please bear in mind this is the wifes car!

No harm in trying to raise membership though.:laugh: In saying that I had a quick look at your spec's listed, how fast can you make one of these go? What is the max Bhp one can make on standard factory parts, rods and pistons etc before breakage?

Curious if any models were Turbocharged as standard - forged pistons etc which would be nice if putting the squeeze on it:devil:if I do put some N2O on it for a laugh, I'll be sure to post the gory details here only as thanks. :slm:

Bear in mind I know nothing about Micra's :eek:

Anyway I see a turbo thread below somewhere, so have to read that and see what ideas it gives - but N2O is quick and easy horses.

you can see about 160bhp N/A on standard rods and pistons if your willing to use quad TB's on a 1.3. 120bhp isn't too expesnive to reach though :)


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