heater control speed



need advise as to how to fix the heater control speed and where is it located as it only works on 4 speed and 1, 2, 3 speed have stopped
if you look behind the glove box theres a resistor card. this is what controls the fan settings. easiest thing to do is unplug it and get another one from another micra.

:) also if you want a new one from nissan try doing a search as i think someone asked for the part number a while ago.
Underneath your glovebox on the left hand side, ook up behind the glovebox, you'll see a brown connector about 2" long, you will see wot looks like a credit card screwed in with 2 silver screws, one on either side, remove and unplug this, pop in a new one from nissan or a scrapyard, and bobs your uncle and fannys your aunt, all sorted
Dr Zoidberg said:
if you look behind the glove box theres a resistor card. this is what controls the fan settings. easiest thing to do is unplug it and get another one from another micra.

:) also if you want a new one from nissan try doing a search as i think someone asked for the part number a while ago.

I think this is the part number -


When I enquired at my local Nissan dealership about how much a new resistor card would cost they told me it would be £22 + VAT of £3 odd !!

Lets just say I went with a second hand one :D
Fordy said:
why not go with the new one from nissan as you could take it back if it goes wrong again

Because no matter how many times it goes wrong you can go to scrap yard and get another.

You can buy 8 by the time it comes to the price from nissan.

If by accident it fell into a hiding place whilst u were still leand under the car. Alot more :)
thanks will have a look and lets ya know how i get on with fixing it, forgot to ask will it be located in same place as its a "march" version
Heh, beautiful. I have the same problem.
And so did a collegue from work, although he drives a primera.
Is this a common problem with nissan?
I had the same problem with mine and I solved it by using a soldering iron (isn't that the right word for it?) and reconnected the card. Wasn't really very difficult and took about ten minutes. I used a Multimeter to locate the problem.
i have taken the card out and ther seems to be only one resistor on it at the oposite end from the connector and was wondering is it ok to try and just bridge the join with solder or would it have to be a resistor
It would have to be a resistor as without it the system will be running at the wrong current/voltage, just goto Maplin and buy the same resistor for about 50p and replace it
how can ya tell what the resistor is as its all corroded and falling apart, does anyone one know what resistor should be ther. thanks
Its not that kind of resister boys, its a large credit card size board.

go to a scrappies and get one,
or have a look around and rob one, easily fit into your pocket

My wife has an N reg micra and had this problem for a while. Now the blower does not work at all. Would replacing the resistor pack have any effect on this or is is something more sinister?

Hope yoiu can help.

Thanks all.....
can we have pics then? a guide isnt complete without pics :) ive looked and i see som kinda cylinder thing and some connector which is brown i took this out and heater still worked on only 4 so dunno wot it was for.
Andy_S said:
can we have pics then? a guide isnt complete without pics :) ive looked and i see som kinda cylinder thing and some connector which is brown i took this out and heater still worked on only 4 so dunno wot it was for.

The cylinder thing is the motor

The connector which is brown has a card attached to it. You take it out and the heater still works on 4 only because if the resistor is broken it will only work on 4 and if the resistor isn't there at all it will still only work on 4. (A broken resistor is just like having no resistor at all :D if you get what i mean)

You need to replace the resistor card connected to the brown plug and put it back in and it should work on all 4 speeds.

The motor must control speed 4 and the resistor, speeds 1, 2 and 3.

Here is a picture showing the location of the resistor card


The thingy with the white squiggle on is the motor for the blower
Andy_S said:
can we have pics then? a guide isnt complete without pics :) ive looked and i see som kinda cylinder thing and some connector which is brown i took this out and heater still worked on only 4 so dunno wot it was for.

I have a link to a guide with images.. First go to

http://www.micra.org.uk/payments.php, fill in the details etc. Once signed up, go to the K11 DIY guides section

You know it makes sence! ;)

i went scrap yard and picked one up. £10 it cost me. :s

anyway i fitted to see if worked and it does :D But setting 1 doesnt seem to do anything :s setting 2 is working as can hear it and setting 3 works too. :)

is setting 1 suppose to be silent??

Setting 1 tends to be very quiet, but you should still be able to feel air coming out.

Although I find when driving on setting 1 and on "Fresh", the speed of the air coming in from outside is actually faster than setting 1 of the fan anyway.
I picked up and fitted one yesterday, cos me £25 from the nissan specialist down on teh estate... go team me? (Y)
£25 - thats shocking, i picked mine up when i first got my car for less than a tenner
i fixed my card by simply paintin conductive silver paint over the old tracks and hey presto. just like repairin the rear demister. cheapas chips
Nicely done.
using the Search function and typing 'heater' found me this thread with all the info I needed.
My fathers new little k11 is doing the same thing....my old one did too.
My Primera eGT used to do it....it's a Nissan thang...lol
Oh well.....lots of different possibilities to choose from. (Y)

can i use any nissan micras resisitor card ?? my car is a 1994 micra dot, 1.0. which resistor cards will be compatible if im getting one from a scrap yard ???
Easy fan speed settings fix

Hi. Herers a cheap way to fix. Pull card out. Find burnt out resitor and remove. (my resitor had vanished). Clean the connections where the resitor would be and bridge with solder or paper clip. Works like a charm now. All fan speed settings work (Y):grinning:
Ours has blown a few times, last time it did it I fixed it my self...

...Find the silver blob and the opposite end the the connector. Knock any of the "blob" left off and clean it up with some sand paper to reveal the 2 silver pads. Drop a blob of solder across the 2 and bob your uncle lol.

If anyone needs help drop me a pm
This card has an inline fuse.

Hi, I noticed a lot of people replying to various threads on this problem sugest repairing the heater resistor card using a bit of solder. One person was asking if he should solder a resistor between the blown bit on the card. The thing most people were not aware of was that this was in fact an inline fuse for the card. I was looking at the wiring diagram in the K11 Haynes manual(these books have got ridiculously bad now) and could see that the heater resistor assembly had a fuse. The manual didnt tell me where the board was located so thanks to the earlier posts for showing me where it was. I cleaned and bridged the gap with solder and now have settings 1-3 working again.
These resistor cards are not fit for purpose. Too much current goes through the thin tracks and they burn out. Im going to fix using 3 x 2 ohm 5Watt resistors. Im guessing 2ohm from all the info ive found about this circuit seems to be right.


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