HD this HD that!


Micra Attitude
I bought one of this normal LCD TV yesterday:


Not knowing it is in fact a HDTV, i connected it to my xbox and had my xbox telling me this is capable of 1080i or whatever.

Now this is the bit where i get really confused, the box, the instruction even the TV doesnt have any HD logo on it, PC world advertised it as a normal 19 inch LCD TV but somehow it works as a HDTV and even the manufacturer's site supports this.

Happily thinking i managed to get a piece of the HD tech at a bargain price of £200, then some people said this 'HD ready' as the site described it doesnt necessarily means its a proper HD machine, it doesnt support HDMI or something and its definitely not full HD enabled like those more dearer teles.

So what are they talking about? has this product got HD or not or is it just the high resolution that makes the difference? are there different types of HD products out there?

i mean this could fool a lot of people (not so wise people like myself) hehe!
HD is a hoax, how can tv get any clearer? and even if it did there would still be nothin but cr*p on it, lol.
But seriously HD ready means it can support the HD signal but the picture you will see wont actually be HD.
All that happend was the Xbox recognised it as being able to show high res. In this case 1440 x 900.

But seriously HD ready means it can support the HD signal but the picture you will see wont actually be HD.

Yes it will if you put the xbox on high res. I have a pioneer plasma that was from before HD standard was established, yet I can still view HD with the xbox. By the way TV PAL is 720x576 pixels. Even the most basic pc monitor will now support at least 1024x768, many much more. HD 1080i is 1920x1080. Substantially greater than the old PAL standard.
All that happend was the Xbox recognised it as being able to show high res. In this case 1440 x 900.

Yes it will if you put the xbox on high res. I have a pioneer plasma that was from before HD standard was established, yet I can still view HD with the xbox. By the way TV PAL is 720x576 pixels. Even the most basic pc monitor will now support at least 1024x768, many much more. HD 1080i is 1920x1080. Substantially greater than the old PAL standard.

Wow! HD isn't that HD then if it's only 1920x1080 my monitor is a good 3 years old or so now, but still will support 2048x1536.

I may aswell save money and just hook a SkyHD box up to my Monitor.
you know me i couldnt tell whats what so i am not sure if HDMI exists but i think there is a DVI socket. Because instead of plugging the normal yellow, white red scart into the tv, i also have to put blue, green and red into the TV if that makes any sense.
So basically even 720p is classed as HD, in this case there are different grades of HD am i correct?
i wonder why the logo is not on the TV as a marketing tool then?!
HD ready - Full HDTV
HD compatible - not HD.

There are currently 2 OFFICAL formats to carry an HD signal.

HDMI - High definitional Multimedia Interface. This can carry HD signal and sound while encrypting the data over the using something called HDCP.

Component video - This is are three RCA connectors. You need another 2 for sound as well since the component only carrys the signal.

hope that clears things up :)
Ian you have been reading to many consumer publications! In the broadcast industry they use a far superiour system of connection called HD-SDI. Now, for reasons that are clear all over the 'net, HDMI sucks, component is better and HD-SDI walks over them all. Unfortunately, HDMI was based on DVI which was already flawed (twisted pair, not coax connections), but made secure with HDCP (another stupid idea) but HD-SDI is not secure, yet much cheaper and already a long established format, so was typically was ignored.

Also better component will use BNC connectors not cheap phono connectors.
I don't disagree there ed, i don't use HDMI myself, prefer component cables. I'm just trying to clear up the confusuion.

I believe the reason there are no marking on the "TV" is infact because it is a computer monitor with a built in tuner.
mah, tele's tele, still nowt on it! my tv comes thru media centre on my 19" sony monitor n it looks fine, i couldnt care less about hd to be honest, you cant see hd unless u have a HD TV then Sky HD or similar n its stupid price for a few daft pixels lol, rant over :p
there's a total improvement with games consoles though. On HDTV they look so much better. its the only reason i bought my HDTV :)
Agree, and there is no point buying something already out of date, if your going for a new TV anyway.
i got mine so i could save a bit more space and plus i have a 360 so i thought i'll give it a go. it really improves the look of my games, i end up playing all those old games i completed before. its wicked........

think what Ian said might be true that monitor with TV tuner in built doesnt have HD sign on them as i have yet to come across one.
There are 3 types of HD tellys.

TV like the one you just brought. I can show up to 720i(1280x720)(maybe P) HD but not with the standard HDMI connection.

HD Ready:
Just like the above but has the standard HDMI connection for best quality.

Full HD:
Has a HDMI connection but can show up to 1080p(1920x1080) HD the highest you can get. p is higher quality than i.

There are other formats but nothing to worry about.

Hope that helps.

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