Gutted, Might have to sell the micra.

Jus had the insurance through on the sr20 micra and is wway to much now after my little bump. Because of this i might be selling :(. Im just painting her now so wont be for a while but i will post it up in the for sale page once finished with full spec. Anyone be interested? Bad times
insurance companies will always screw you over, renuals are one way they do that, try other companies first
if you get someone older a family member uncle aunt mum dad to be the registerd keeper put the vehicle on theyre insurance
then be on the insurance as named driver pay them the diffrence it cost them to do all that that is if you can find any takers
worth a go
its gonna be high if its converted to a sr20 and especially with a bump. try sky insurance they give a discount to msc members. good luck.
Im sorry to hear about that mate. I have my insurance coming up too so im on the hunt aswel.

Also, i might be interested in the car. Do pm me if you decide to sell tango.


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