GReddy Emanage Ultimate mapping


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Hopfully early next year i will be able to afford my GTiR engine and get it fitted into my primera. Before that, I shal be getting and installing a Greddy Emanage Ultimate unit and ensure that I get that up and running and can control my engine.... but i will not be tunning it with my current N/A engine - just getting it in. This shall hopfully reduce the cars down time when i get the new engine...

How much do you charge for mapping one of these units? Would you require the car to come to you (hhmm wonder how the RAC will like a 250 mile road trip!!) or would you be able to come to me?

Spec I am looking to do at the moment:

GTiR engine which I hope to take to 300bhp max (I am scared to take it any further as I want it semi reliable and I am unsure if my drive train would stand the abuse)...
standard GTiR internals - maybe better cams, tweaked intake and exhaust manifold/maybe a touch of headwork if i can afford
poss bigger injectors (although I have been told that standard should cope with what i want...).
I will also be fitting a boost controller unit so I am able to lower the boost for driving to and from work (hahah yeah right :p) - currently looking at the Apexi AVCR for this...
Standard GTiR turbo - which i have been told is good enough for what i want...

I could write a novel on this, but basically standard pulsar with e-manage ultimate will do around 330bhp, I know this as I had one dyno'ed today. Only other helpful mods were Z32 AFM and FMIC.

My E-manage ultaimate prices are as follows:

to fit = £200
To map = £35/hr
To correct anything else that needs to be done to get my mapping done is also @ 35hr. this may be anything from incorrect wiring or setting up of an origional installation, or any other problem that needs to be corrected in order for the mapping to work.

Travel costs are as follows:
First 50miles = £50
every mile after = 25p
(dont forget return journey as total miles)

DONT bother with the apexi AVC-R, I always recommend profec B spec II since they are so much more reliable. I have done several EM-U installs on gtirs now. They take longer to set up then the blue, and really for your application are not needed but they are very nice.

thanks ed

Im glad ive got another conformation that the standard GTiR engine will do 300bhp happily... do you know what boost it was running at? I was thinking of stopping at 12psi - hence thinking of doing other things to help bring the power up...

The reason I have chosen the ultimate over the blue is I am thinking of adding the MAP and wideband sensor so once the base map is in it can help keep the engine properly fueled at all times (IE change in weather conditions, load...

Ta for the tip on the boost controller - i will do some more digging around for info - i liked the idea of per gear and per 500rpm boost setting as I have a feeling 300bhp in 1st gear will just eat tires hehe...

Assuming everything is correct and it only needs to be mapped, how long does it usualy take? I know each senario is different but just to get an idea of cost...

SplanK said:
thanks ed

Im glad ive got another conformation that the standard GTiR engine will do 300bhp happily... do you know what boost it was running at? I was thinking of stopping at 12psi - hence thinking of doing other things to help bring the power up...

I mapped to 1.2 bar. Headgasket is the only weakness, the engine was not breaking a sweat

The reason I have chosen the ultimate over the blue is I am thinking of adding the MAP and wideband sensor so once the base map is in it can help keep the engine properly fueled at all times (IE change in weather conditions, load...

Not necessary. If thats the only reason its a waste of money. The stock ecu still makes basic base alterations, you dont need wideband feedback to do this - infact it can cause more grief than good. The blue e-manage has map sensor input (and i recommend this) anyway.

Ta for the tip on the boost controller - i will do some more digging around for info - i liked the idea of per gear and per 500rpm boost setting as I have a feeling 300bhp in 1st gear will just eat tires hehe...

Use the low high setting on the profec. You really need no more.

Assuming everything is correct and it only needs to be mapped, how long does it usualy take? I know each senario is different but just to get an idea of cost...


2-3 hours max. If there are no probs. Are you going to be using the gtir ecu as well? Or stock primera?

stock primera ECU - it seems the easiest way as there are some big differences... such as NATS, digital speedo/rev counter (instead of cable) and from what I have read, there are only a few cables i need to fiddle with and the injector connectors are different.

hhmm you have given me some food for thought over your suggestions and I will have to have a serious think about it...

the blue is obv around half the price but looking on the GTiROC - seems as though many people have had good results and only move to the ultimate once they start pushing silly power...

The engine will have at least a gasket rebuild (hence whilst it is off, maybe port/polish the head...) and if anything seems worn or not right it will be replaced as a precaution... I was looking at replacing the HG with an uprated one...
Ok in this case you will need the ultimate, since the stock ecus are unable to deal with large injectors correctly. I have had this problem on pulsar powered almera engines.

*DOH* lol
I thought blue could handle larger injectors - obv not to large but could take from a primera injector to a standard (if i choose that) GTiR injector... but saying that - the almera should have the same N/A injector that I have now - hhmmm will have to look into that a bit more and see what the % jump is from stock primera to GTiR

ok - so if i stick with the ultimate - what would be your advise as to the extra bits i would require for it? I know you advised against the wideband - but what about things like the MAP sensor?

Thanks for your help and advise on this matter - much appreciated :)
Nothing to do with blue, its the amount of control by which the stock ecu has in reserve. They will only allow so much pulse width to be taken away at idle. if you cant take enough it will always be rich at idle. This doesnt affect the ultimate as it can take as well as add fuel, without playing with the airflow map.

MAP sensor is VITAL in a case like yours, you will need that, a wide band is ok if you really want one but not vital, since after mapping id leave it open loop for logging use only.


I have seen them around with different wiring kits...

on in particular was advertising the unit, some wiring harnesses (18,14 and 12pin) - I have also seen things like injector harnesses... or would the wiring harnesses (18,14 and 12...) but enough??

How much are you able to supply the EMU with the various bits im going to need (IE Map, if i need any wiring harnesses....)??
yes get the 18,14,and 12 pin harness thats all you need.

I can supply the EMU complete with everything you need and UK warrenty + support for £620.
so that would be the EMU unit, software, 18/14/12 harnesses + map sensor + wiring + support + 12 month g'tee?

ive come pestering for more info lol

a mate of mine has told me that although the EMU is a good piece of kit and the GTiR boys like it, due to the nissan ECU's like to alter things to the conditions and could knock the map out... just wondering on your thoughts about this...
Makes no difference what so ever. Infact it helps. The fact you keep the stock ecu means you have knock protection. If you map correctly you maintain the usefull ness of this feature.

There isnt really any thing else to say other than there is nothing better piggy back wise than the EMU imo. It is in many respects as good as a standalone ecu and much easier to setup.

I have read this thread with great interest as I am contemplating doing the DET swap in my Almera. Just looking for clarification on a some points though.

Are you saying that the stock Almera/Primera ECU's combined with an Emanage Blue cant handle the standard injectors on the DET? Hence why the ultimate is a better route?
Or are you saying that if the injectors are upgraded then the ECU wont be able to cope.

Also, is the standard Almera AFM able to cope with the DET or would I have to get the DET/Z32 AFM

Basically, when I do the swap i'm looking for, at first, pretty much standard DET power. I will have to get a custom exhaust and will probably get an air filter and dump valve for good measure. But I wont be doing any cams/headwork etc. as over 220bhp will be more than enough in a FWD car.


Are you saying that the stock Almera/Primera ECU's combined with an Emanage Blue cant handle the standard injectors on the DET? Hence why the ultimate i]s a better route?

Thats exactly what I'm saying! The Blue e-manage corrects for injector changes by altering the airflow voltage. This has the limtations that at idle there is only so much airflow you can remove before the ecu will stop and you can at that point no longer remove any amount of fuel regarless of airflow voltage. This is a limitation of the stock ecu. However the e-manage ultimate is able to remove and add fuel directly without altering the airflow voltage what so ever. Thus also not altering the ecu's load table. This is an all round winner since the ecu is not even aware of the correction and you can make things run very smoothly.

The AFM can remain the same as you should really get a boost pressure sensor and map to this, not the AFM, so again the limitations of the stock AFM are then irrelevent.

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