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Grandad's Phat Car !

Stage One
With many thanks to Sulur, stage one is my nice Dezent 15" Rims

With many thanks to Cedric "No you don't know him" for the set of new 195 45 15 Tyres.


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Little Stage Two

Before and after, The before pic isn't really my car, but i didn't take a before. DOH !

Oh and the MDF Parcel shelf.


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"Have you any plans set out?"

Hi Slim
Oh Yes i do....... I reckon i have enough bits together to take me uo to stage 7, All will be revealed as it happens :suspect: However you in particular know one of them. hahaha
Nothing outrageous. Can't afford outrageous !
Hi Folks
I've been away for a while due to what has turned out to be a fairly serious illness, thats the first part of the bad news, Now for the first piece of good news, i have a diagnosis, and i can be helped, it's a long road but i'm back on that road. Now for part two of the bad news Grandads phat Micra has a blown Gearbox, That wouldn't be so bad if it hadn't also suffered a catastrophic engine failure. Hey sometimes if it wasn't for bad luck we wouldn't have any luck at all. LOL
So heres the problem..... again due to my illness i haven't been able to work for a considerable time, i truely praise our benefits system, it has enabled me to lead a quiet but fairly unexiting life, the point being a complete lack of funds. So you have probably guessed where this is going....... I need a second hand 1.0l engine and box fairly urgently and remarkably cheaply.
I do know this is a really big ask but if ANY member can help me out it would be a massive help. You may already know i have mobility issues so losing the Micra is a huge setback.
Well there it is my problems are laid out before you, IF any one can help it would really be appreciated, and if you have read this far... thank you for taking the time to listen. I can be contacted through PM or on my mobile No which is 07871679043
Kind regards

Yippee !
I have been out surveying my sad Micra. Good, NO great news .... The Engine lives I cannot tell you how that makes me feel, Absolutely fantastic.
So although now less of a panic, i do still need an economicaly priced gearbox. so folks if you could bear that in mind i would be extremely grateful.
Kind regards

OUCH ! unplanned modification....
Whilst driving round a roundabout with right of way, a Twot in a Vauxhall Zafira made no attempt to stop or give way to the right pulling straight out in front of me leaving me no chance to stop.


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This is the result of the above Twot's not paying attention....

I am in a great deal of pain And have an appointment at the fracture clinic on wednesday and damaged tendons in my right hand. It will all get better. so no worries.


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I've had that happen to many times, someone even clipped my rear bumper on a roundabout and just blasted off without stopping!

I wish you a speedy recovery.(Y)
glad it wasnt very serious,but wait you look pretty bad lying their can you move ok?
cannot understand certain drivers,and micras seem easyer to hit as theyr worth less= less impact on their premium
get well soon mate
Ahh malcon that sucks bro, you get well soon and that twot better get whats coming to him, useless pikey :mad:,

Micra was looking nice too, i hope you recover well and look forward to progress (Y)
Bad news..But try to enjoy the rest the best you can.
Hopefully the insurance company will sell you the car back el cheapo..plenty of red victims in the breakers to glue yours back together again.
Hi Folks
I am absolutely blown away by the kind messages of good wishes, Sincere thanks to you all. A little update on my situation, I am suffering from a hairline fracture of the C6 vertibrae in my neck and tendon damage to my right hand so it's all fun lol. seriously though i can take pain relief and i have an appointment at the fracture clinic tomorrow, But i am generally fine, still able to get about but keep on getting caught out by turning my head to look round. OUCH hahaha

Once again thank you ALL for your kind thoughts


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