Google Chrome


Deactivated Account

anyone tried it? I've been playing around with it this evening on a vista laptop. I have to say its really fast, and the new tab most visited links are really cool, not sure I want porn sites listed though :p. Another thing I like is that chrome treats web applications as desktop applications. You can make a desktop shortcut for google maps. The icon opens a well sized window, maximising screen space. I know you can do this with other browsers, but not as easily. Its a lean mean browsing machine. Check it out.
I'm on it at the moment, for web applications it does indeed seem very quick! However i've heard reports it isn't that great for multimedia.

I'll keep playing with it though, to be honest, any rival to IE is a winner in my books! ;)

...and also it seems vBulletin thinks Google Chrome can't do drop down menus, the MSC's top bar looks much different on Chrome!
prefer firefox at least i know its sercue, and if its slow i know it isnt firefox but me, dont like tabbed browsing thoe but i do like the save and crash feature.
I find tabbed browsing to be one of the best inventions to web browsing since CSS!

I still use Firefox as my main browser, but I am impressed with Chrome, and I'm using it as a desktop application for my GMail account :)
James, Chrome is being treated as safari by vbulletin,

var is_saf    = ((userAgent.indexOf('applewebkit') != -1) || (navigator.vendor == 'Apple Computer, Inc.'));
is true.

It would probably work better as is_moz.

yeah I found chrome to be the fastest browser I ever used. Really snappy.
answer is yes, has the best javascript support currently available. check out the 2nd link for the reasons why.

is it secure? yes, there is an incognito mode if you want to browse a site and have no cookies, browser history saved locally. (which is awesome)

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