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Fujiwara-Ben's Door Wedge


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Well it seems i have betrayed my Micra and fellow Micra lovers and defected to Toyota.
Back in October 2014 i became the proud owner of a 1985 MK1 MR2 in green and gold (or Sherwood Toning), for £740 off ebay from a bloke in Liverpool. So why an MR2? I've allways been a big fan of them and i've been in a position to be able to afford one, that and it was cheaper to reinsure than my Micra.

Screenshot of the auction


Just after i bought it on the way home from Liverpool, MR2 being driven by my older brother hahah

Pics and more of the story to follow soon!
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A few pics from the Ebay add

Huh!? No engine up front, hmm thats a bit odd :L


Ahh it's ok, it's been stuck behind the driver and passenger. Legendary 1st gen 4AGE, feeling very sorry for it's self at the moment (more on that soon)
So when i bought it, it did'nt come without it's fair share of problems, mainly down to a few years of neglect and not moving in around 6 months, it did come with quite alot of serivce history so it was loved at some point.
Most of the problems i can think of are:

Brakes, absolutely appalling
Handbrake, non-exsistant
Rust, rear arches and a few other questionable places
Engine, misfireing and gernally unloved (good service will sort that)
Exhasut, leaking like crazy, new gaskets and loads of gungum only solved that problem for a few days :L
ohh and the lights were temperamental
So first thing first was the lights, after a bit of research a possible problem was the switch, so dashboard off to get to the switch and back home with me (as my car was living at a mates garage until the Micra insurance was up)

Switch cleaned up and liberal applications of petroleum jelly to keep the contacts from corroding (it's a very odd switch as the lever is connected to a disc with contacts on them and as it moves around it creates different connections) it worked! Headlights working :) Although still very slow as they've sized up a bit (more on that later)
Only pic i have of taking it apart lol Headlight lever is the one on the right
It's probably worth just adding a bit to close up this thread..

That MR2 was a pile of junk. Poor thing had been abused and rusted away. In the end the engine gave out so i sold it to an MR2 breakers. I kept the steering wheel (that is identical to an AE86 one ;) ) and the badge from the bonnet.

Seems the MR2 dream wasn't meant to be :(
It's probably worth just adding a bit to close up this thread..

That MR2 was a pile of junk. Poor thing had been abused and rusted away. In the end the engine gave out so i sold it to an MR2 breakers. I kept the steering wheel (that is identical to an AE86 one ;) ) and the badge from the bonnet.

Seems the MR2 dream wasn't meant to be :(
You'll get there lad.
Any news on a job?
Seems this was doomed from the beginning. Shame. I really like these cars.
I had plans for it! I really did!!
It didn't help that my brother crashed it into a wall, to be honest he was the one who killed it.
Mind you it was really bad underneath. Like i could pull chucks of the subframe out with my hands...

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