flashing orange light plz help

hi.plz help me .i have a micra twister 5dr 1ltr i bought the car on monday then on tuesday night when i went to start the car there was a orange light flashing with check in the middle of it so rang out the r.a.c who said it isyour immobiliser so he towed me back home . i then paid today some body 40pound to reprogramme the key who put a lead in to a plug below the fuse box who then said it was done the car started straight away. i took the wife to local supermarket got in the car and orange light flashing wont start again.i have been incontact with the key bloke who cant come out till monday to re do the key so then got out the r.a.c who said same problem plz help.many thanks
Why dont you buy a modified ECU which by passes the NATS of one of the guys on this forum and be done, cant remember his name but works with no more problems again!!!

thanks helloween.if you know anyone it wud be appreciated.also is it easy to replace the ignition switch as wot is entailed to do it thanks:(
i dont think the nats light flashes when the ignition switch is faulty paul, iirc all the dash light go out and the engine cuts

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