fault codes?


Use the same method for fault code reading as an old bluebird with ecu etc..
i've only managed it on a subaru before reading the number of flashes etc, not sure of any other way to do it. so i guess thats that avenue closed! n
same stuff mate, down about 10-20kw's feels a little sluggish, blowing a bit of black smoke and using bit more fuel than it should

boost gauge is going all the right things, 7-9psi on the SC then up to about 14 on the turbo ,just not much oomph to go with it

anyways, got a day to check it over again so less typing more spanner swinging!
same stuff mate, down about 10-20kw's feels a little sluggish, blowing a bit of black smoke and using bit more fuel than it should

boost gauge is going all the right things, 7-9psi on the SC then up to about 14 on the turbo ,just not much oomph to go with it

anyways, got a day to check it over again so less typing more spanner swinging!

Black smoke is unburnt fuel in the exhaust so it could be over fueling although they do spit a bit out when given it some boot.
S/c boost should be around the as the turbo.My gauge is in bar on the boost controller and it reads 0.85-0.9bar (1bar=14.7psi)
So there's a start,could be the vaccum hose you used to replace the originals
should be 4mm and there a resrictor is one of the 4mm pipes to stabalize the boost while the s/c going.stick a 4mm vaccum pipe on the actuator pipe and you'll see what I mean,you probably see 5-7psi on the turbo then.the smaller the pipe the less boost same goes for the s/c. And the ignition timing who set this for you and how was it done??

Honestly looking for problems with the ecu is'nt the answer I've been through all of this before and you always get some ####er saying check the engines brain.No point
thanks for the info! the vac hose i've replaced the stock stuff with (which didn't look stock, but it WAS old) is silicone and only a tenth of a MM off 4mm which was the closes i could get at all the shops as they all sell in imperial measurements no metric...

ignition timing is as i got it, but i don't think its right... as when i got it it was running even ####ter than now!

i've kept all the hoses but don't know 100% which ones which

which line has a restrictor in it? JUST the one between the turbo outlet and its actuator?
thanks for the info! the vac hose i've replaced the stock stuff with (which didn't look stock, but it WAS old) is silicone and only a tenth of a MM off 4mm which was the closes i could get at all the shops as they all sell in imperial measurements no metric...

ignition timing is as i got it, but i don't think its right... as when i got it it was running even ####ter than now!

i've kept all the hoses but don't know 100% which ones which

which line has a restrictor in it? JUST the one between the turbo outlet and its actuator?

the one with the restrictor in it is in the diagram I posted the yellow pipe exactly where the number 5 is

will print it out and check it now....

then later...

I put the restrictor back in the yellow line, didn't notice much difference

still only getting 5psi on the supercharger at any throttle below 4krpm

also where the first white vac line is (number 1) for some reason it was reversed on the solenoid (number 22) from where it should be in the diagram

i put it right as in the diagram but now no boost at all on the supercharger (can hear it spinning but no boost) strange!

are there any other restrictors i should be wary of while replaceing some of these crusy hoses?

okay so if i drive it around the way i got it, with the white and blue lines reversed on solenoid 22 then i get my 5psi on the supercharger, and 13 on the turbo as its been doing so far

if i put them the way they should be, i get a stack of noise from the SC but no GO GO so i can only assume the bypass is open

if any of you boys have any other hints for me i'd love to hear them!

hey barry on the valve that you send me, do you know what colour hose goes where on it? if thats backwards in both spots it might help know what i mean?

is it blue line to the bent connection on the side or top? cheers guys

im gonna fix this!!!! :D its beaten two owners before me but im gonna fix it...

is anyone able to tell me where hose 14 is supposed to end up?? it just falls off the bottom of the diagram... same with 11,12 13 & 14...

i think this might be where my problems are, i have a feeling its backwards going onto the solenoid from the butterfly valve that controls the bypass

would i be right in saying that 14 (red hose) dumps into the intake POST turbo, and yellow feeds into the pipe coming from the intercooler?

everything else is as it should be from what i can tell on the diagram

so really, if someone can tell me the location of where hose 13 and 14 are supposed to go i think i've got it right....


RIGHT digging digging....

so i found a little faded yellow mark on the pipe that connects to the turbo, someone had marked the RED hose with a marking the same as one on that fitting so it seems the hoses were backwards!

i can only assume the red hose plugs up under the intercooler to intake pipe

good news is i think i've got ALL my turbo power, it pulls hard once it spools up

BUT, if you read above with my initial problem of the white and hose on solenoid 22 being backwards, i've still got that same problem... that is, lots of supercharger noise but no actual boost being seen at the intake

any ideas what this could be??

i think im getting close!

is there any particular line i could plug my boost gauge into that would tell me how much boost the supercharger is actually making?? this might give a clue as to its condition


here's the table that goes with it:

Number Length Identifying colors Site
① 260 White Vacuum control solenoid (14956 W) B ~ vacuum control of the Gallery (on the right-swinger)
② 170 Red Vacuum control solenoid (14956 W)-A ~ D vacuum control valve
③ 190 Peach Vacuum control valve (14955 M) A ~ vacuum control of the Gallery (swinger at the bottom of the left) slightly thick hose
④ 50 Green Vacuum control valve (14955 M) of C ~ 3-Way (14960 M)
⑤ 200 Huang Vacuum control valve (14955 M) B ~ vacuum control of the Gallery (swinger on the left) with orifice
⑥ 240 Peach Vacuum control solenoid (14956 W) C ~ vacuum control of the Gallery (swinger lower right)
⑦ 130 Green Three-Way (14960 M) ~ vacuum control Gallery (third from the top-left swinger)
⑧ 210 White Gallery vacuum control (swinger on the right) to solenoid vacuum tank (14956 U) C -
⑨ 250 Blue Vacuum pipe (cam cover behind the pipe) to solenoid vacuum tank (14956 U) B -
⑩ 150 Blue Vacuum pipe (cam cover behind the pipe) to bypass the low-pressure valves and control rooms
⑪ 170 Peach Vacuum pipe to resonator
⑫ 170 Peach Vacuum pipe to resonator
⑬ 270 Huang Vacuum inlet pipe to bypass control valves under the pipes
⑭ 320 Red Vacuum inlet pipe to bypass control valves under the pipes
⑮ 120 White Vacuum pipe to bypass control valves hyperbaric chamber
⑯ 210 Green And intake manifold pressure regulator
⑰ 60 Huang Three-Way (14960 A) ~ vacuum tube
⑱ 80 Huang Bypass control solenoid (14958 V) of C ~ 3-Way (14960 A)
⑲ 160 White Bypass control solenoid (14958 V) of the vacuum pipe B ~
⑳ 190 Red Bypass control solenoid (14958 V) of the vacuum pipe A ~
(21) 350 Huang Gallery vacuum control (the first swinger on the left) and 3-Way (14960 A)
(22) 310 Blue Vacuum control Gallery (second from the top-left swinger) to solenoid vacuum tank (14956 U) A -
(23) 200 Peach Gallery vacuum control (the lower right swinger) to vacuum pipe
(24) 200 Peach Gallery vacuum control (swinger at the bottom of the left) to a rather large vacuum hose pipes
(25) 190 Green Gallery vacuum control (third from the top-left swinger) to collectors intake manifolds
(26) 70 Green Check Valve (14958 M) ~ 3-Way (14960 M)
(27) 50 Green Vacuum tank (22370) to check valves (14958 M)
(28) 270 Blue Vacuum tank (22370) and vacuum control Gallery (second from the top-left swinger)
SC ① 170 SUPACHAJABUROBAI (3-way resonator)

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