


Just a note to say that i wont be posting on the forums any more. Im sure admin will delete this because it doesnt fit into the new rules however i thought i would let a few of you know. I am sure a lot of you will be glad to see the back of me but the few that i do speak to im always on msn poker_address_for_ben@hotmail.co.uk

Made some very good friends on the forums and please do keep in touch and keep me up to date but im no longer interested in being involved in a dictatorship. It saddens me deeply to see what the forums have come to , whenever i had problems MSC was always my first port of call and i thought that was something, being part of a community was all about, being there for each other etc and i know many people have helped me out and now its not that no more.

I wish you all good luck and farewell

Ben AKA Big_Ben

Offical member--->Ex member----> non member
D4R73N said:
Admin, you wonder why im trying to bring non-car back...

We know why, you've posted it about 5000 million times. Just wait until the poll is complete and let everybody have their say, instead of you assuming your speaking on behalf of everybody. Current poll results infact are calling for the opposite of what your going on about, to be implemented. Its not admin who have voted in that, its the members themselves! The results are too close to predict an outcome at present anyway

Times have changed, the MSC has evolved which is why another poll was called for. Ok non car chat could have stayed until the poll was completed, but what does it matter! Its not the most essential part of the forums anyway. K10/11/12 sections are currently unaffected, and that's what we're all here for at the end of the day.

We're aware non members and ex members can contribute alot to the MSC, but it just seems silly Ben you're giving it the 'im off statement' because one non essential part of the forum has been removed, possibly only for a short amount of time whilst the poll takes place
Funny you think it's a dictatorship when in the last 14months, the majority of the decisions have been voted on by members. Forum changes, member card, logo's etc etc. I give a huge say to MSC members and by that yes I mean official, but also in part to everyone.

Oh and while I'm at it Ben, some of the stupid comments you made yesterday shows just how little you know of the input and effort I make here and just for your information James does a lot of the forum work, but it takes a hell of a lot more to make this club tick!

You think it's financially driven, well yes in part of course it is. We are looking at securing the club's future and improving the membership package. However recent posts made by official members has led to these changes to be implemented, in a short I wouldn't of removed Non Car Chat first and I have my point to Ed about this.

So yesterday you moan about all the votes that we put to members to decide what forum privileges people should have and then today you moan we are a dictatorship!

it seems you guys are takin the p*ss and really couldnt care less, fair play he aint got a micra now, but did and if i rember was a very active member up until that last post. was ben not liked or sumic? i talk to im on MSN all the time and it was himself and i as well as a couple others, who pushed for a footie meet, so its not as if he wernt bothered, as far as my encounters on MSN and here, he is a sound kid, ill be sad to see him go!

rant over, and i agree with darren and ben, this place has gone down the pan a bit since i joined, but i also se it from the mods way, just rember what this has become and what we have, we are the only official micra club reconised by NMUK fo effs sake!!! lets not go off on one!

rant over now. :p
catch u on msn bud..I myself am not going be posting on mcs much (honest) as I aint got a micra anymore and feel I wont benifit any1 and my posts will just spam up the forum I will keep checking forums and may to a few NE meets but if u need me talk to me on msn. x

Much love
Gemz x
cya later buddy iv added u on msn if u wanna chat sumtime

however i feel the msc is movin in the right direction and itrs good to see the decisions being put to a poll to get a majority vote
keep up the good work guys
richmicratwista said:
cya later buddy iv added u on msn if u wanna chat sumtime

however i feel the msc is movin in the right direction and itrs good to see the decisions being put to a poll to get a majority vote
keep up the good work guys

thank you :)


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