FAO: Owner/Admin OF MSC

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Can either the Owner (Kev i think) or a member of the amin team contact me via my email address saved in my profile.

Due to not having membership status, I do not have the privilidge to look up your email address or to be able to PM you. so this is the only way i have of getting your attention.

I was promised nearly 6 months ago the MSC logos, as i was creating How to's........ On my Micra. I still have not received these logos the be able to Brand these MSC. do you still want me to do these?? if not, it would have been polite and profesional to have told me at the time, that you did not want these, or to tell me since, If things have changed.

The questions i have:

Do you still want these How To's as follows?

How to change the Aerial for a amplified one or a non amplified one
how to fit a Head unit, with correct wiring harness and with out.
How to fit Central Locking
how to fit and ancilliry fuse box with extra power
how to fit Subs/Amps/Speakers

Why wasnt i given the logo in the first place when it was agreed with 2 members of the admin team that i would get them?

Many Thanks

I will be contacting you via e-mail in a second....

Firstly yes I do remember this, secondly I haven't heard from you since we first talked about this all those many months ago.

If you have these guides ready I would be more then happy to assist you in anyway.

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