F/S: K10 Pre-facelift breaking, 2x MA10, 13" tires & original 12" steels

I've no idea. If you measure from the centre of your drive shaft to the furthest point on your caliper and let me know what that is. I'll measure the 12s and let you know :)
But if frank uses em on his sprinter they should be ok?
Yeah I'll have a look when I'm back with my car the next few days, I'm gonna be in Manchester for the next few days so less to drive for some track/ maybe rat slammage wheels :). If you live where I think that is...
Cool, I'm off back down south in about an.hour I think. Mind you with you being so far east its not much different anyway Haha
Only got a pic of a loose one. The rest are stacked in a corner. I'll get em out tomorrow properly when its a bit drier. Though they all look the same. They were wax oiled... alot by the feel of em



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